******************************************* aktif theme by SultanTheme.com ******************************************* You may not redistribute the contents of the zip file without the explicit permission from Hanafi Jamil, creator & owner of SultanTheme.com. ***************************************** INSTRUCTIONS ON INSTALLATION:: 1. Extract ZIP folder.If skin name is aktif, it should be aktif. 2. Upload the whole skin folder that consist of 1 file-style.cfg and 3 folder-imageset,template,theme (you can exclude the contrib folder from upload) to your forum/styles/ 3. Log into your administration control panel> Styles (tab)> click Install. 4. To force it as default style, click the option/"details" link > pick option - make default style If you are having problems with installation, we provide custom installation services. Please email sultantheme.phpbb@gmail.com for more information.