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PostPosted: 12 Jul 2016 13:41 
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Joined: 25 Mar 2010 20:32
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Overwatch's 1st new character has been revealed today! Thanks to my friend Phat for providing me with the information; gameplay trailer as well as the new character's lore has been announced. I have posted links of the gameplay trailer as well as the lore trailer.





"People say that time flies but you keep breaking its wings..."

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2016 17:48 
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Cool video, but it really didn't explain how to play the character at all. In fact I think I am more confused now that I watched the video. So she heals teammates by shooting them, and can also damage boost them for a short time. Is that some kind of bomb she has too? Can she also shoot the enemy and how does that work between enemies and teammates?

I'm so official, like a dealer with a pistol or referee with a whistle.

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2016 21:50 
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Sorry about the lack of information pertaining the hero's skills. Ana is a support sniper and she deals damage as well as heals her allies. The unique thing about her primary firing is that if you fire at an enemy, it'll deal damage over time for a total of 80 damage. However, when you shoot at your ally, it actually heals them. I don't exactly know how much it heals for but it's a decent amount that heals over time. The right mouse button is the usual scope in/scope out mode since she is a sniper.

Her 'E' ability throws out a grenade that prevents any enemy target that's hit by it from receiving healing and cannot heal themselves at all for a short amount of time.

Her 'SHIFT' ability shoots her sidearm and it causes any enemy hit by it to fall to the ground and fall asleep for about 4 seconds. Now, if you were to hit the sleeping enemy target, he/she wakes up.

And finally, her ultimate ability basically boosts an ally's damage, speed, and makes them take less damage.

What I like about Ana is that she can weaken enemy targets, heal from a distance, and her ultimate provides a substantial boost to any ally. Hit a friendly Reinhardt with her ultimate and you have one hell of a wrecking ball. Provide it to a Roadhog as soon as he starts his Whole Hog ultimate, you have a psychotic man pig spraying shrapnel out while moving all over the damn place.

There are a couple of things that I didn't like about Ana and 1 of them was the lack of any sort of escape moves. I actually had a short conversation with Blind about this and Blind thought that Lucio's wall running would've helped her a lot in terms of escaping while I suggested Hanzo's ability to scale walls. Now granted that Lucio CAN scale walls but with Hanzo, it's just easier. The other thing that I didn't like about Ana was her movement speed. She moved a bit sluggish and this coupled with lack of any sort of escape maneuver makes getting away seem nearly impossible. But after thinking about it some more, she does, in fact, have an escape maneuver; her sleep pistol. As long as you don't disturb the target, you have around 4 seconds to get out of whatever place you are in.

If you're wondering if I like her or not, the answer is that I don't like PLAYING as her but I like what she can do for her allies. Providing debuffs as well as buffing your allies and healing from a good distance, she can be an extremely useful hero in a lot of team compositions. So with that said, you can expect me to NOT play as Ana but I'll have to rely on someone else to play as her if he/she wishes to.

"People say that time flies but you keep breaking its wings..."

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016 09:21 

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First of all I think she is best Grandma, and it is good to finally meet Pharah's mom

Second of all I just don't know what to think about her. I think it would kinda be a bitch to shoot your own teammates, who at the moment is trying to NOT get shot. I haven't really tested her out so I don't know how big of an issue this is. Also she cannot really place herself like snipers should. We have 2 other snipers, Widowmaker and Hanzo. Widow has a grappling hook which she can place herself in a safer area and better vantage point. Hanzo can climb walls for the same use. She can't hide herself in an area. I think she needs at least something to be able to move around into a good vantage point.

Also her E, her bomb heals allies as well, and increasing healing from all sources temporary.

We should play some on the Overwatch PTR to test out some of the new changes, so we can actually have a cooperative team while playing so everyone isn't going Ana and actually see how she works.

For people who don't know btw they do have some new changes for characters. Zenny gets more shields, and moves faster while in his ulti as well as does more healing. His orb's abilites move faster now. Mercy takes more time to power up her ulti, but can move during now, as well as her flight comes off of cooldown when this is activated. Her damage boost goes from 30% to 50% but with no stacking from other mercys.

D.va's ulti takes less time to charge, shorter detonation time, and no longer dies if caught in the blast. Her defense matrix has changed to make her more of a tank. She now can activate it on command (cooldown 1 second now) and has a meter that she has to build up to use (Think Pharah's rocket fuel).

Self-healing now gives charge to ultis. Because of this change, Roadhog, Bastion, Lucio and Solider's ultis take longer to charge.

Also respawn timer has now increased 2 seconds during overtime, and the overtime timer goes down faster after 20 seconds of overtime.

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2016 07:13 
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I don't think I like a single change mentioned. I think everything you just mentioned is horrendous. Especially the changes to mercy.

I'm so official, like a dealer with a pistol or referee with a whistle.

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2016 11:00 
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Yeah. I guess I'll just have to see how it plays out. The overtime change will make overtime obsolete.

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PostPosted: 15 Jul 2016 13:12 
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The only update that I think is horrendous is the fact that McCree, once this update is released, will be able to out-snipe Widowmaker in terms of sheer long distance damage (not extreme distance though.) People were whining that after McCree's Fan The Hammer nerf, he was becoming nothing more than just paperweight. So Blizzard is now trying to implement a new way of buffing him by giving his normal shots no damage dropoff. This means he'll do full damage at long ranges with no penalties. I think this will be abused extremely and we'll have a McCree in every competitive team composition and he'll be once again the top choice for players in terms of offense hero.

I hate this McCree update because it makes Widowmaker paperweight basically. If McCree can do full damage at distances that not many offensive heroes can do full damage at then why choose Widowmaker at all? In order for Widowmaker to do extreme damage, she has to scope in and wait for the charge to hit 100%. While McCree's damage won't be as high as Widowmaker's charge at 100%, I'm sure it'll be pretty damn close. But we'll have to see after the update.

As for D.Va's changes, I'm very excited about those. Currently, D.Va's Defense Matrix relies on a cooldown and the player has no control over it. With the new update that'll be coming, it gives players control over the Defense Matrix and this makes her extremely tanky. Now, this doesn't mean she's overpowered and in fact, Jasa and I talked about it. He thought D.Va was seriously overpowered due to this change. In my defense, it just made her do her job more efficiently. In my opinion, I would rate the tanks as followed:

1. Reinhardt
2. Roadhog
3. Zarya
4. Winston
5. D.Va

That is how I would rank them personally because I saw so many Reinharts, Roadhogs, and Zaryas than I did the last 2 (however, I saw Winston more on the maps where you could knock people off of.) Anyways, I believe that the Defense Matrix change does NOT make her overpowered but as I stated previously, it allows her to do her job more efficiently. She'll be a better tank but she wouldn't be able to shred the living hell out of the enemy because her range is as effective as Reaper's range so medium to long range engagements will be useless for her and she'll have to rely heavily on the Defense Matrix. Widowmaker, Ana, Soldier 76, McCree, and others that specialize in medium to long range would still be able to take her down; you'll just have to be extra patient in doing so. Another strategy could be with Reaper. The Defense Matrix has a flaw and that flaw is that it does NOT protect D.Va when Reaper is up in her face. So just get in her face, Wraith Form behind her, and then destroy her from there on. So, NO this change to her does NOT make her overpowered.

"People say that time flies but you keep breaking its wings..."

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