The only update that I think is horrendous is the fact that McCree, once this update is released, will be able to out-snipe Widowmaker in terms of sheer long distance damage (not extreme distance though.) People were whining that after McCree's Fan The Hammer nerf, he was becoming nothing more than just paperweight. So Blizzard is now trying to implement a new way of buffing him by giving his normal shots no damage dropoff. This means he'll do full damage at long ranges with no penalties. I think this will be abused extremely and we'll have a McCree in every competitive team composition and he'll be once again the top choice for players in terms of offense hero.
I hate this McCree update because it makes Widowmaker paperweight basically. If McCree can do full damage at distances that not many offensive heroes can do full damage at then why choose Widowmaker at all? In order for Widowmaker to do extreme damage, she has to scope in and wait for the charge to hit 100%. While McCree's damage won't be as high as Widowmaker's charge at 100%, I'm sure it'll be pretty damn close. But we'll have to see after the update.
As for D.Va's changes, I'm very excited about those. Currently, D.Va's Defense Matrix relies on a cooldown and the player has no control over it. With the new update that'll be coming, it gives players control over the Defense Matrix and this makes her extremely tanky. Now, this doesn't mean she's overpowered and in fact, Jasa and I talked about it. He thought D.Va was seriously overpowered due to this change. In my defense, it just made her do her job more efficiently. In my opinion, I would rate the tanks as followed:
1. Reinhardt
2. Roadhog
3. Zarya
4. Winston
5. D.Va
That is how I would rank them personally because I saw so many Reinharts, Roadhogs, and Zaryas than I did the last 2 (however, I saw Winston more on the maps where you could knock people off of.) Anyways, I believe that the Defense Matrix change does NOT make her overpowered but as I stated previously, it allows her to do her job more efficiently. She'll be a better tank but she wouldn't be able to shred the living hell out of the enemy because her range is as effective as Reaper's range so medium to long range engagements will be useless for her and she'll have to rely heavily on the Defense Matrix. Widowmaker, Ana, Soldier 76, McCree, and others that specialize in medium to long range would still be able to take her down; you'll just have to be extra patient in doing so. Another strategy could be with Reaper. The Defense Matrix has a flaw and that flaw is that it does NOT protect D.Va when Reaper is up in her face. So just get in her face, Wraith Form behind her, and then destroy her from there on. So, NO this change to her does NOT make her overpowered.
_________________ "People say that time flies but you keep breaking its wings..."