Absurd Minds

Overwatch Rio Olympic Update?
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Author:  Joshy [ 02 Aug 2016 01:21 ]
Post subject:  Overwatch Rio Olympic Update?

A streamer by the name LacedUpLauren on Twitch was given a package (looks like a Olympic themed loot box) from blizzard that included a bunch of cool stuff. Of note was the character cards for Lucio, Tracer and Zarya which have them wearing special Olympic outfits. Also included was a postcard which some are speculating to be either a new map or a new game mode. There is also a sticker sheet which shows Mercy playing tennis, Soldier playing golf, Mei playing table tennis, Hanzo doing archery and Zenyatta in a karate outfit.

Twitter picture which includes contents
Twitch.tv clip of the contents

There is also speculation that the update might be happening today (Tuesday, August 2nd) as updates have always happened on a Tuesday, and the Rio 2016 Olympic Games are starting on August 5th.

Author:  Joshy [ 02 Aug 2016 13:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Overwatch Rio Olympic Update?

Apparently ESL has postponed their games until an update later today commences. There is good reason to suggest it coming out today.

A listing for the Summer Games loot boxes appeared on PS4 earlier today: http://imgur.com/a/o2Tdn#6lXdovx

What's getting people mad right now is that these skins are both limited time and can not be bought with credits in game. Also you are only guaranteed one of the four items in the loot box to be a Summer Olympics item and can still acquire them as duplicates which give credits that again cannot be used on these themed skins. These loot boxes will probably replace the original boxes for the duration of the event.

We currently don't have official notice from Blizzard but this does seem to be the case right now which to me personally sucks because I really wanted to try and get 100% skins but it looks like I won't be able to unless something changes. Still excited though because it's only cosmetics in the end.

Here is a better look at the contents from the box, including pictures of the sticker sheet

Finally, the 2nd massive ban wave happened yesterday and someone on Reddit took pictures of people complaining from one of the cheat forums in question. It's got some pretty funny shit in it. Here's the link to it.

EDIT: Literally as soon as I posted this, the update went live.

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