For the past week we have been teased a new event update for Overwatch. Tomorrow is the day that the event is likely to start. What's different is that this is a lore based event rather than a holiday one. They already released a comic relating to the event which feature shit going down in Kings Row, and Tracer's first mission with Overwatch.
The event will almost definitely be called, Omnic Uprising. They have already confirmed that Widowmaker and Mcree will be getting skins and more story will be presented from the game via this update. Some skins have already been leaked (namely, Tracer, Rein, Torb and Mercy) and some people are guessing we'll be getting another co-op mission similar to Junkenstein's Revenge.
Not related to the event was one of the OW devs stating that the new hero is coming sooner than we think.