I just got a LEGIT cs_office.rmf which is the file that i need to open it on hammer. MEANING, I can make a de_office EXACT. Now i know how MOC did it, however, this is NOT a office_cz.rmf its a 1.6 one, SO its be a de office with 1.6 textures which i dont find a problem. Ya guys love me nao? I also got hold of a dust,dust2,MILITIA (serialport, wanan edit your fav map?) , and train, inferno, assault and italy. This is just one more reason why i fuckin LOVE Ian - pardon french, but ima excited as shiz.
BTW: Happy 14th tommorow April 11th at approx. 3:43-ish.
One last thing, my map de_complex will be finished by week end, and ill need some beta testers.....
PS: Im sorry for being such a cocksniff that i cant remember any of my pws anubis :[