This forum allows you to post images with the use of the IMG tag.
When you are posting images, PLEASE refrain from "
inline linking".
An example of inline linking
I google "Anubis".
I find an imagine of Anubis that I like.
I click on that image and find the direct link to that image. For example, something like this:
I put that URL between image tags.
Inline linking is BAD. Especially because it leeches badwidth from the site the picture is hosted on.
Appropriate way to post pictures
You can either upload the picture as an attachment, or you can upload the picture to a site specifically designed to host images (they pay for the badwidth necessary to have people constantly viewing pictures, after all). Examples of such sites include and
In summary: Inline linking is actually a serious issue. I know it might seem harsh, but I will be reminding people to make sure they are uploading their pictures to places like imgur every time I see a picture hotlinked inappropriately.
Thank you for helping us stay respectable and respectful.