Absurd Minds

Convert 10-slot comp maps to pug?
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Author:  Amaroq [ 18 Mar 2013 09:12 ]
Post subject:  Convert 10-slot comp maps to pug?

I found a pug-mod online that I was thinking about adding to our ten slot server. What would you think?

  • Our "Competitive 1" server (10-slot server with bots on competitive maps) would be converted into a bot-free pug server.
  • This would require sourcemod and a hefty plugin, but I'm sure the reg would still be better than a 64 tick valve server.
  • It would require 10 players to play.
  • We would only have one 10-slot server (a custom maps server, but that could be changed if desired).
  • The plugin has some known issues, which you can read about in the thread.
Would you play in it? Since none of our servers have sourcemod on it, it would take a while to install and configure the plugin, so I'd like to be sure it would actually be used before wasting time.

Author:  mutiny [ 18 Mar 2013 18:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Convert 10-slot comp maps to pug?

We had one for 1.6 and it was rarely used. I don't think it would be a good addition.

Author:  Amaroq [ 18 Mar 2013 19:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Convert 10-slot comp maps to pug?

Our 1.6 one was so buggy that I personally never wanted to play with it. Plus with the general discontent with 64 tick servers in the GO community there might be more demand. But you're right, almost nobody used the 1.6 one, but almost nobody plays in our 10 slot server as it is, either.

Author:  serialp0rt [ 18 Mar 2013 22:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Convert 10-slot comp maps to pug?

I would be interested in trying it. I am worried about plugins taking away from our other servers just because of the load it could put on the machine. one server with plugins shouldn't do that, but I would be willing to test it out for a bit. No one really likes playing with bots unless its some kind of mod.

Author:  mutiny [ 18 Mar 2013 22:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Convert 10-slot comp maps to pug?

I guess it is worth a try seeing that nobody really uses the 10 slot anyways.

Author:  Traviesaurus [ 18 Mar 2013 23:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Convert 10-slot comp maps to pug?

I'd use it but I'm not asking for it. As it is now, I think MM is better than having a pug server

Author:  Amaroq [ 04 Mar 2015 18:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Convert 10-slot comp maps to pug?

Well I'm going to bump this thread, because I found out I can make a pug server in CSGO pretty easily.

I would take the retakes server and turn it into a pug. (I was also thinking of taking down the GunGame server, which means I'd still be able to make the CEVO/ESEA rotation server we had been tossing around.)

Now, I am down for doing this if this is something the community would want, but I do want to point a few things out.

A pug is different from our current 5v5 server, because it won't actually start the game until 10 people have connected. It can take a while to get 10 people in a community server, as we have seen. It might be different if it's a pug, but community servers have really taken a back seat in CS:GO. Valve servers exist, and the only alternative anybody ever talks about is joining a league. A lot of players don't even know community servers exist.

A community pug is also different from a league pug because there is no disincentive to rage quitting. Even in ESEA you can get a ban if you leave too many matches. This won't happen in a community pug, and people will come in and out just like they do in any server.

With that said, would you guys still be interested in me creating a pug server?

Author:  serialp0rt [ 04 Mar 2015 19:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Convert 10-slot comp maps to pug?

I definitely want this, I wanted to also throw around the idea of logging all the stuff this happens on this server, and going back and placing bans on people that just quit all the time. If we see the same steam id quitting often we can time ban them or something, just something that might make people play in our server over others.

Author:  GoatMips [ 04 Mar 2015 20:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Convert 10-slot comp maps to pug?

Would definitely be interesting to try out. We can use it for a time and later determine if it is actually beneficial.

Author:  Redman113 [ 07 Mar 2015 22:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Convert 10-slot comp maps to pug?

Can we try setting up 10 mans again?

Author:  serialp0rt [ 07 Mar 2015 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Convert 10-slot comp maps to pug?

yes yes yes, and you have to come play them.

Author:  Northern [ 08 Mar 2015 19:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Convert 10-slot comp maps to pug?

I'm down for all of this... :)

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