So I was watching this vSauce video (not necessary to watch, but very interesting. Title: Why don't we all have cancer? <--Very insightful)
when I saw this video clip:
TL;DW: It's a stirling engine powered by difference between the heat of your hand and the cool room air.
Immediately I thought, WHY IS THERE NOT A FLASHLIGHT POWERED BY THIS. That would be amazing! There are so many uses for an engine like this! So I googled and searched for a stirling engine powered flashlight. There was nothing. But I came across something different. It just said "The Human Heat Powered Flashlight" so I thought this was what I was looking for. It wasn't; it was much better. Here's the video:
I am going to make one of these. I have so many ideas for good concepts dealing with these tiles! The possibilities are seemingly endless to my mind! I AM INSPIRED!