Absurd Minds

Galaxy S3 and google doc spreadsheets
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Author:  Amaroq [ 20 Feb 2013 10:25 ]
Post subject:  Galaxy S3 and google doc spreadsheets

Does anybody know if there is a way to edit google documents spreadsheets from the S3? It seems like there should be since it's a google phone and I can sync up all my other stuff, but I can't seem to find how to do it.

Author:  DimSumGuy83 [ 20 Feb 2013 17:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Galaxy S3 and google doc spreadsheets

My guess is that you are probably going to need a productivity suite app to make any changes to a document file. If you can send me the google document you are trying to edit, I can see if you need a productivity suite or not.

Author:  Amaroq [ 20 Feb 2013 19:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Galaxy S3 and google doc spreadsheets

It looks like I might be able to do it with a program called Google Drive. Right now I'm having trouble getting my spreadsheet to format correctly when I upload it, so once I can figure that out I'll test it out.

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