Absurd Minds

DIY(Homemade) Mouse Cord Holder "Bungee"
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Author:  jero [ 18 Jun 2013 11:52 ]
Post subject:  DIY(Homemade) Mouse Cord Holder "Bungee"

Like most people, I use a wired mouse for gaming. Also like most people I FUCKING HATE when it snags on something.

Since I have no money to buy one of the boutique fancy smancy Mouse Bungees I decided to use some everyday items to make something that, so far, is just as effective.


75+ Disc Spindle

1 Small or Medium Zip-Tie

Optional: A few discs for weight.


1. Secure ziptie around mouse cable snuggly, make sure the position can be adjusted.

2. Drill/Stab/Poke a hole in the tip of the spindle, not too big as you want the tip of the ziptie to get wedged in. I used a small screw to make the hole.

3. Add discs to spindle if you would like it to be weighed down.

4. Insert the tip of the ziptie into the hole and try to force atleast 1/3 of the ziptie into the spindle.

5. Put spindle in desired position and adjust the cord and ziptie to your liking.



Author:  Amaroq [ 18 Jun 2013 12:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: DIY(Homemade) Mouse Cord Holder "Bungee"

I DON'T GET IT. Can you take a less shitty picture?

Author:  jero [ 18 Jun 2013 13:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: DIY(Homemade) Mouse Cord Holder "Bungee"

Hopefully that is better. The ziptie stays vertical and has full 360 degree with a 2" radius of movement and it takes the load rather than dragging the cord, or have the cord slide behind the desk or something. The main problem this solves for me is the bends in the cord no longer snag on the mouse pad.

Author:  Amaroq [ 18 Jun 2013 13:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: DIY(Homemade) Mouse Cord Holder "Bungee"

Yessss now it makes sense.

Author:  serialp0rt [ 05 Sep 2013 16:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: DIY(Homemade) Mouse Cord Holder "Bungee"

did you come up with this on your own? this is some good rigging.

Author:  jero [ 05 Sep 2013 17:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: DIY(Homemade) Mouse Cord Holder "Bungee"

Partially. I have seen the ziptie used with other things.

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