Absurd Minds

Is 120hz really worth it?
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Author:  imok [ 25 Dec 2013 15:10 ]
Post subject:  Is 120hz really worth it?

I got more than enough money for Christmas to buy one and even though I had the money before I opted out of buying one. I never thought it was really worth that much money so I avoided it. I don't know what else I would do with the money besides put it away(also need to cover those wasted cases) and its the only "material" thing I kinda want. I would either get the benq xl240te or the asus vg236h in all likelihood. There is also the asus vg248qe, not sure what the differences are?

They are all around $270-300 give or take so if anyone owns one of these, perhaps maybe another 120hz monitor, is it really actually WORTH it in your opinion. I am sure its noticeable though does it improve the experience that much. Everyone says once they try 120hz they can't stand gaming on 60hz for fps titles. Is this true? I guess I just cant justify the cost without knowing how much "better" they are.

There is a tiger direct by me, maybe sometime I can stop in and see what one is like before making my decision. I just don't want to regret spending that much. Anyhow the monitor I have now is pretty crappy(dell e228wfp 22" I believe) in terms of color and res. If I really wanted a new monitor for 1080p that would be it.

The asus 23 is closer in size to what I used to have so I might side with that one. Is there any negative to the vg236h compared to the others?


Author:  Amaroq [ 25 Dec 2013 15:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is 120hz really worth it?

Yes, it is really worth it. This 144hz Asus monitor I have is slightly cheaper than some of the 120 Hz monitors, though. I recommend it highly.

Author:  palms [ 25 Dec 2013 15:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is 120hz really worth it?

Lol i just got the 144hz monitor, IT IS AMAZING!

Buy it, people are like you can't tell the difference, but you can. I had my doubts but they are all gone now that I have one. The cost definatley justifies itself

Author:  mutiny [ 26 Dec 2013 01:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is 120hz really worth it?

I'm going to get one in a week or so. Can't wait!!

Author:  imok [ 26 Dec 2013 12:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is 120hz really worth it?

Lol i just got the 144hz monitor, IT IS AMAZING!

Buy it, people are like you can't tell the difference, but you can. I had my doubts but they are all gone now that I have one. The cost definatley justifies itself
Eh when you're a student you really don't want to regret anything with money. I guess I just want to know how "good" they are(seriously I watch videos on youtube and they are so smooth. 60/75hz looks like crap in comparison, yeah I know thats rendering though). I am sure I would love using one, just don't want to regret it.

I wish I could find one at tiger direct so I don't have to wait for shipping. The last time I was there in August they said they had 120hz monitors, didn't really look to see what they had though.

carter which one do you have, I am assuming the asus? Mutiny are you getting the asus as well? For those of you that have them what do you think about lightboost? Is the input lag noticeable?

Author:  Redman113 [ 26 Dec 2013 12:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is 120hz really worth it?

Buy new fucking internet!!!!!!!

Author:  Amaroq [ 26 Dec 2013 12:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is 120hz really worth it?

For those of you that have them what do you think about lightboost? Is the input lag noticeable?
I quit using lightboost because I couldn't see a difference between them and it only supports 120hz, not 144hz, so I was having to lower my refresh rate just to use it.

Author:  palms [ 26 Dec 2013 13:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is 120hz really worth it?

I have the ASUS vg248qe

Author:  Traviesaurus [ 26 Dec 2013 18:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is 120hz really worth it?

If you want to be certain, why don't you just buy one, ANY 120/144hz, and then you can try it and return it and either decide to not buy one or look for a good deal on one if you do like them.

Author:  imok [ 26 Dec 2013 20:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is 120hz really worth it?

Buy new fucking internet!!!!!!!
I know I should except nothing really better is available. I could go back to the DSL except that had the habit of going out all the damn time, doesn't matter if your ping is a bit better, only to be able to never play :( I feel like new net might make more of a difference except that isn't a possibility. I guess Ill continue to think about the monitor. Trav I think you're right. I'll try to go to some place that has em and try one out before buying it.

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