Recent Fist full of Frags updates ... 502976151/
July 26 - 2017
- forward impulse while jumping decreased after first jump and successive
- higher tolerance for crouch-jump
- speed penalty due jump and crouch-jump decreased
- updated Brazilian-Portuguese translation by StargazerG
- breakable props may not take damage from kicked players
- [Break Bad] cash related bug
July 21 - 2017
- normal jump is shorter and less punished with speed penalty
- crouch-jump inflicts higher speed penalty and cannot crouch-jump when a certain limit of speed penalty is accumulated
- [Break Bad] all players get $50 when respawning for first time after warm-up, no matter what. Doesn't count for players rejoining server.
- [Teamplay] purchases disallowed between rounds
- [Teamplay] penalty of 50 notoriety points for suicide when classes are enabled (console command or team change)
- [Teamplay] players may take damage between rounds (while frozen)
- [Teamplay] bots join the game when respawns aren't allowed
- weapon crate selection menu interferes with other similar menus
- bots created from script trying to join a team that doesn't exist
- crash from listen server creation menu
- several bot respawn related issues
BTW when are we going to get a fist full of frags subforum? its like the only game any of us play at this point