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 Post subject: Meet [AM] JERoH
PostPosted: 04 Mar 2012 14:37 
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Joined: 25 Feb 2012 19:18
Posts: 908
Location: Ontario, Canada
Q: First off, tell us a few words that describe you.
A: Fat but darn handsome. Quiet at first, completely inappropriate once I get to know you.

Now, on to the questions:

Q: How old are you?
A: Born in 1986, as this is more accurate depending on when this is being read.

Q: Where are you from?
A: Hamilton Ontario Canada. Otherwise known as Canadian Detroit.

Q: What is your favourite map?
A: CS1.6: de_cpl_fire, CSGO: de_mirage

Q: What is your favourite weapon in the game?
A: CS1.6: M4A1 Silenced, CSGO: M4A4

Q: Do you play any computer games besides CSGO?
A: Played CS1.3/1.6 for years. Dedicated my life to WoW playing at an extremely high level (Top 100 World Guild). Now I barely playing anything else besides CSGO. Rust, Minecraft, maybe an indie game here or there.

Q: What are some other hobbies you have?
A: Guitar, PC hardware & Mods, MMA(Watching), Horror movies.

Q: What's your favourite animal?
A: Falcon & Domestic Cat

Q: If you had one wish what would it be?
A: Honestly? Abolishment of all organized religion(Freedom of individual spirituality). The understanding that only the attitude and personality of a person is the only thing that matters, not faith, race, orientation. People are people.

Q: Are you a righty or a lefty?
A: Righty.

Q: How long have you been playing the Counter Strike series?
A: Since 2000.

Q: 1.6 or CZ?
A: 1.6

Q: What made you decide to join AM?
A: Friendly people, fellow redditors, no-mods pub

Q: What is your favourite sport?
A: MMA & Hockey

Q: What's your job?
A: Manufacturing line optimization and programming (I run 4 large machines for milling and edgebanding Ikea quality furniture)

Q: What website do you visit most?
A: twitch.tv

Q: What's your favorite past time?
A: Relaxing at the computer, watching videos while playing/practicing guitar.

Q: What was your first gaming console?
A: NES, but I also had a Commodore Amiga

Q: Smoking?
A: Cannabis & Cigars once in awhile.

Q: Do you read? If so what is your favorite book?
A: I only read textbooks, but I do listen to audio novels. Favorite would have to be Harry Potter series.

Q: Who is your favorite author?
A: If we are talking about what product they are responsible for then Tolkien.

Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Watch it every time its on TV, one of the few DVDs I have purchased.

Q: If you had a choice, would you vote for Sarah Palin, or a retarded monkey that is prone to violence?
A: Sarah Palin, she will just do what the Bankers/Bilderberg/Tri-Lateral commission tell her to do like every other politician. (Tinfoil hat firmly on my head)

Q: Do you play any instruments?
A: Guitar, Ocarina (badly)

Q: Do you play or watch any sports? If so what, and what are your favorite teams?
A: Boxing(Emanuel Augustus), MMA(GSP), Hockey(Red Wings)

Q: If you could be who ever you wanted to be, who would you be? And why?
A: Andrew WK. Spend about 30 mins on youtube and you'll agree. Best life ever.

Q: Favourite type of music? Favourite band? Favourite song?
A: Guitar Instrumental, Prog Metal. Joe Satriani - Made of Tears

Q: Why?
A: Well I like a whole lot, but you specifically asked for my absolute favourite. I like music I can close my eyes to and listen to each individual instrument.

Q: What's your favorite colour?
A: Lately it has been Pink & Cyan.

Q: What's your favourite meal?
A: Shawarma style Chicken & Rice.

Q: What's your favourite drink?
A: Alcholic: Rye, Normal: Orange Juice

Q: What's your favourite dessert?
A: Ice Cream probably.

How did you come up with your user name/handle
A: Jesse(Je) Ross(Ro), pretty simple. Past CS handle was Snowy or sn0w due to my canadianess but it was far too common.

Stickshift or Manual
A: I take public transportation...

Would you rather read a book, or watch the movie for the same book?
A: Movie. More efficient, and once in awhile the movie is actually better (The Shining).

Are you a night person or a morning person?
A: Morning.

What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
A: Not much, maybe pay a cashier the standard retail price.


Last edited by jero on 02 Feb 2014 15:09, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Meet [AM] jeRo
PostPosted: 04 Mar 2012 15:02 
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Joined: 25 Mar 2010 19:07
Posts: 8392
Oh yeah, I always forget about these. Thank you!

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 Post subject: Re: Meet [AM] jeRo
PostPosted: 04 Mar 2012 17:10 
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Joined: 25 Mar 2010 19:21
Posts: 5029
man reddit was such a good choice to advertise. it has brought some good members to our clan. I agree with your perception of american politics. its 100% paid for.

I'm so official, like a dealer with a pistol or referee with a whistle.

 Post subject: Re: Meet [AM] JERoH
PostPosted: 02 Feb 2014 15:10 
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Joined: 25 Feb 2012 19:18
Posts: 908
Location: Ontario, Canada
Updated mine with the new questions. Maybe we should have a blank master list of questions stickied.


 Post subject: Re: Meet [AM] JERoH
PostPosted: 02 Feb 2014 17:20 
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Joined: 25 Mar 2010 19:07
Posts: 8392
Updated mine with the new questions. Maybe we should have a blank master list of questions stickied.
It's in the sticky, but I can make it a new thread.

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 Post subject: Re: Meet [AM] JERoH
PostPosted: 05 Feb 2014 14:17 
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Joined: 04 Jan 2014 03:27
Posts: 1104
JeRo -

Cool! I like the reasoning behind your name. I guess I would be GaPa!! Haha.

Couple questions:

1) What is your favorite Canadian beer? I've made numerous trips to Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver in the past. I always seem to end up drinking "Canadian" brand.... pretty good beer and haven't branched out much I guess, lol. I've tried a couple others but don't recall the names.

2) Why is your favorite gun the silenced M4 in 1.6 and the un-silenced version is CSGO? Is there a notable difference between the 2 guns given the different versions of the game?


 Post subject: Re: Meet [AM] JERoH
PostPosted: 05 Feb 2014 18:26 
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Joined: 25 Feb 2012 19:18
Posts: 908
Location: Ontario, Canada
1) My favourite canadian beer would be Steam Whistle..for now, but it isn't very common. My normal pub purchase would be Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale.

2) I found the silenced M4 more useful in 1.6 because of wallbangs, plus I am a burst/spray type player and there was no discernible difference or disadvantage with the silenced version with that type of playstyle. I prefer the M4A4 in CSGO because I have played the game since early beta (Feb 2012) and have grown so accustom to it that it will take a long time to adapt to the new weapon. Also the ammo limit hinders my playstyle as I am still a burst/spray player and like to prefire and spam a lot.


 Post subject: Re: Meet [AM] JERoH
PostPosted: 05 Feb 2014 22:25 
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Joined: 04 Jan 2014 03:27
Posts: 1104
Cool, I will attempt to try those beers next time I'm up north. I'm not a huge IPA fan, but like to have one now and then.

So in 1.6 is the M4 silenced/unsilenced versions the same gun like back in 1.3? Or are they individual weapons you have to purchase? Also, in 1.6 the ammo amounts are the same (assuming they are different guns)?
Was CSGO originally released without the silenced version of the M4 and later it was added separately?
Can you define wallbangs for me please. I'm not familiar with that term.


 Post subject: Re: Meet [AM] JERoH
PostPosted: 06 Feb 2014 07:40 
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Joined: 25 Mar 2010 19:07
Posts: 8392
CS:GO is the first time in CS history that the M4A4 is seperate from the M4A1 silenced. In all other games, the gun was the same and you just had to equip the silencer. It's one of my least favorite parts of CS:GO. The M4A1 was only released in the arms deal update.

Wallbanging is shooting through the wall in an attempt to hit the person on the other side.

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 Post subject: Re: Meet [AM] JERoH
PostPosted: 06 Feb 2014 17:39 
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Joined: 25 Feb 2012 19:18
Posts: 908
Location: Ontario, Canada
Like this:


 Post subject: Re: Meet [AM] JERoH
PostPosted: 06 Feb 2014 19:05 
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Joined: 04 Jan 2014 03:27
Posts: 1104
Got it, thanks for the info guys.

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