Absurd Minds

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Author:  palms [ 03 May 2014 12:44 ]
Post subject:  Resgination

So as many of you know I have been growing distant from the clan. This is due to me spending more time playing video games with my friends that I know in real life. I just don't have that much fun playing with you guys and don't participate in the clan anymore so I am definitely not deserving of the tag and all the other privileges that come with being a clan member. I'll still be playing a lot of CS and some planetside 2 so keep me friended if you want to play with me in those games :)

Thanks guys for the wonderful experience and my last word will be GLHF

Author:  Amaroq [ 03 May 2014 13:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

You don't have fun playing with us, but you want us to keep you friended so we can play together? I'm confused :-(

Author:  serialp0rt [ 03 May 2014 13:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

I hope to see you around, but I don't personally feel like I ever will again. You really never gave a shit about the clan or any of its members. You stopped being a good clan member a few weeks after joining. I don't think that you ever saw the clan or any of its members as anything other than just people on the internet which goes against everything the clan was about. The clan as a whole had already decided to remove you and I was going to do that today so you saved me the trouble. I wish you no ill will or hard feelings what so ever, but don't be upset by people removing you from their friends list considering you don't interact with us in even the slightest manner.

Author:  mutiny [ 03 May 2014 16:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

^^^^ Enough Said.

Author:  Northern [ 04 May 2014 10:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

What Serial said...

Author:  DimSumGuy83 [ 04 May 2014 13:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

.... Anyone notice that "resignation" is spelled wrong?

Author:  mutiny [ 05 May 2014 00:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

.... Anyone notice that "resignation" is spelled wrong?
NAZI!!! NAZI!!! Kill it before it can reproduce!

Author:  J35t3r [ 08 May 2014 18:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

I'd the "not having any fun with us" part ... it's always been my opinion that you either need to watch what you say or just don't bother ... me personally after a comment like that you won't be missed by me.

Author:  Northern [ 08 May 2014 19:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

I'd the "not having any fun with us" part ... it's always been my opinion that you either need to watch what you say or just don't bother ... me personally after a comment like that you won't be missed by me.

I approve... ;)

Author:  Traviesaurus [ 08 May 2014 19:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

Can we close or delete this thread? I think our responses reflect poorly on us out of context, and anybody just viewing our forums won't have the context of this situation.

Author:  mutiny [ 08 May 2014 19:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

Can we close or delete this thread? I think our responses reflect poorly on us out of context, and anybody just viewing our forums won't have the context of this situation.
Or at least move it to members only section. I doubt Palms will even come back to check this post anyways.

Author:  Traviesaurus [ 08 May 2014 19:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

Can we close or delete this thread? I think our responses reflect poorly on us out of context, and anybody just viewing our forums won't have the context of this situation.
Or at least move it to members only section. I doubt Palms will even come back to check this post anyways.
I think that's a better idea.

Author:  J35t3r [ 08 May 2014 19:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

Anybody that would judge without knowing the situation in its entirety would not know it's basis ... we have a right to express our opinion and that should not be abridged because we fear things like political correct topics or responses being brought up an opinion is an idea stemming from someone's feelings and to denounce someone's feelings like closing a thread for fear of other people's viewpoints is to hide our own opinions and say that it is not okay to have a voice

Author:  mutiny [ 08 May 2014 19:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

Anybody that would judge without knowing the situation in its entirety would not know it's basis ... we have a right to express our opinion and that should not be abridged because we fear things like political correct topics or responses being brought up an opinion is an idea stemming from someone's feelings and to denounce someone's feelings like closing a thread for fear of other people's viewpoints is to hide our own opinions and say that it is not okay to have a voice
We do not fear other people's opinions. It is just unprofessional to discuss this topic in a public section on the forums. Palms should of put this thread in members only section.

Author:  J35t3r [ 08 May 2014 19:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

I for one don't agree with closing or hiding the thread because it was palms that said how he felt and I like others expressed how we felt in the responses we gave .. I for one would tell him to his face because I don't hide the truth from people

Author:  mutiny [ 08 May 2014 20:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

I for one don't agree with closing or hiding the thread because it was palms that said how he felt and I like others expressed how we felt in the responses we gave .. I for one would tell him to his face because I don't hide the truth from people
Yes but anyone with an account on the forums can see this post. It is not in the correct area of the forums. We are talking about member's activity status which belongs in the members only section.

Author:  Traviesaurus [ 08 May 2014 20:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

Anybody that would judge without knowing the situation in its entirety would not know it's basis ... we have a right to express our opinion and that should not be abridged because we fear things like political correct topics or responses being brought up an opinion is an idea stemming from someone's feelings and to denounce someone's feelings like closing a thread for fear of other people's viewpoints is to hide our own opinions and say that it is not okay to have a voice
What? I wouldn't want to join a clan whose members are SLAMMING other people. At least in this thread, Palms appears to resign because he just isn't happy anymore, and it's easier for both sides. And our responses are all basically "good. be gone." It looks bad, because nobody reading knows what happened. Not saying anybody can/can't say something.

Reading this thread in a years time, we'll all be wondering why we wasted our time being so angry when the problem is already gone.

Author:  J35t3r [ 08 May 2014 20:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

It's unprofessional to mask the opinions of others as well it shows no equality ... it says you can say what you like and we won't defend our beliefs ... being the bigger person means to know when to use that option and when to say don't tread on me... Mike I said my opinion will not be hidden and my expression of feeling is the truth as I see it and probably many others ... One way or another there have been things said by palms and even though he would apologize he has never meant it because he is a kid and it means nothing to him as a particular child to hold up that agreement ... I don't let my children or anyone's children that conversation with me go without expressing how I feel a about dignity and respect

Author:  J35t3r [ 08 May 2014 20:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

I'm not angry I'm proud my heart my beliefs and my morals are Un deterred and as we have stated as a topic about opinions you are correct and justified by saying you wouldn't join a clan like that I value the truth and not deceit I would still join

Author:  mutiny [ 08 May 2014 20:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resgination

It's unprofessional to mask the opinions of others as well it shows no equality ...t
How are we masking the opinions of others. New people to the forums will not say their opinions because they have no clue what happened before his resignation. That is why this is meant for members only. I don't know what the problem is. If you went to another clan's forums and read this post, would you state your opinion?

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