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 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 13 Oct 2011 23:59 
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Joined: 31 Jan 2011 22:59
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Now, I doubt youll ever read this, but we never said you werent doing your job. The way you were using your admin - at times - was just unethical and kinda immature. I realize that rules are guidelines to admins and blah blah blah, but I dont see why we should be limited just because one person out of 11 people (5 per team and an admin) think that a match must be played on a certain date. Otherwise, it is mostly our fault for being lazy and unprepared, on that note,

Have a nice day as well,
except I dont advertise links. :D

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 14 Oct 2011 00:21 

Joined: 13 Oct 2011 23:25
Posts: 3
Now, I doubt youll ever read this, but we never said you werent doing your job. The way you were using your admin - at times - was just unethical and kinda immature. I realize that rules are guidelines to admins and blah blah blah, but I dont see why we should be limited just because one person out of 11 people (5 per team and an admin) think that a match must be played on a certain date. Otherwise, it is mostly our fault for being lazy and unprepared, on that note,

Have a nice day as well,
except I dont advertise links. :D
Unfortunately when a team appoints a Captain or A-Captain they represent the entire roster when it comes to scheduling and the activity they show. At anytime a team can enact what is the "Mutiny Rule" and remove these users from the powers they have if they feel misrepresented and are in need of a more positive change so to speak. I clearly seen when looking through my logs the first match of the season I forced an extension inf favor of AM because they had users with client problems...I say again, in their favor. Unfortunately near the end and probably due to the teams overall record scheduling became a last minute resort to users such as Anubis and not only does this annoy me but it is unsportsmanlike to the other teams who are actively WANTING to play matches in a timely fashion. Since Anubis wanted to go down the road he did, file the complaints, make up stories which are best described as mediocre in science fiction novels he posts here in these forums and clearly shows to me and anyone reading who has a head on their shoulders that he just got a stick up his ass for me. I make decisions everyday, some will piss users off but you have to realize the ruleset we have is what I base those decisions on.

The future of CZ is uncertain...the game is extremely spread out and the active users are moving onto bigger and better games, the ending result is not something I caused, it is a result of society. New games, better graphics, more features...we are talking about CZ which was already the least popular title in the franchise and only holds...what...753 current players and a peak of 4636 players today...compared to 1.6 with 12,652 current and 63,898 peaking today. It is hard to run an event without not only a large community but it being a game not widely popular and on its way out the door.

As for 1.6, the future for next season is bright. I promise Main will be back, I am even bringing back Professional...I have many ESEA-Invite teams interested and are willing to participate and keep all the lower brackets something to shoot for. I have a new 1.6 custom map being developed by Brute, the same man who gave you many of your custom CZ maps and others. Remember I am doing these things, not someone else, I am seeking change for the better, I am attempting to give you all a better gaming experience. I enjoyed my time so much as a player years ago competing that I am trying to give you all a similar if not better experience.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 14 Oct 2011 00:38 
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Joined: 31 Jan 2011 22:59
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Well, were not really interested in Main or Professional, I was only on a 1.6 Main roster as a "filler" , but when Main was canceled the guys i was going to roster with raged. Not saying I didnt like them, but AM is my main team. Wait a minute, how is this relevant to anything? However, I am a mapper myself and made some somewhat popular maps myself , and I would be more than happy to meet brute, if you could arrange something ^_^

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 14 Oct 2011 11:10 
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1.) My CZ private server is just that, PRIVATE. I allow teams who need a neutral server for matches to use it and they do it so well I have not had a single issue in the many months time it has been up. The server has its own HLTV which when requested I will GLADLY record and publicly post to either team. The server has 12 slots and at no time ever had an issue with multiple proxies running, so Anubis, nice try but that one isn't going to work, and I checked the logs that day, noone executed any rcon commands to stop other proxies from being used.
I would suggest buying your servers from places other than walmart, and also configuring your servers to CEVO's own specific guidelines if you're going to use it in a CEVO match. It's absurd that you couldn't even configure it correctly when you are the head CZ admin. It's even more absurd that you actually think it was configured to allow multiple proxies. My proxy was blocked from joining. You are either extremely ignorant, or you are 100% lying.
which when requested I will GLADLY record and publicly post to either team
Except when I request it. Then you will argue about the most inane and inaccurate thing until I give up and leave.
noone executed any rcon commands to stop other proxies from being used.
Yep, exactly. When I came to ask you to allow another proxy, you weren't there. I asked the other team how to connect my proxy and they didn't know (or pretended not to know). How could any other rcon commands possibly have been used?
When you came into vent DEMANDING the HLTV when it was not even finished recording
I didn't demand anything. I asked "How can I get the HLTV recording?" Questions are not demands. It was a request for more information.
you threw a fit and pissed off my boss which got yourself bounced outta vent.
Who the heck is your boss? The only other guy in there (whose name I don't remember) told YOU to chill out, stop being a dick, and answer my question. At that point, I left of my own accord because if you're being such an asshole that other CEVO admin have to step in and tell you to chill out, I am certainly not going to sit there and take it.
As for an issue regarding a reschedule on one of your matches we have VERY specific guidelines required to obtain a FFW. I recall yours specifically FAILING to have ATLEAST 4 players in client at the time of the match...without 4 players you cannot start the match, therefore not having 4 in client will result in you being disqualified from obtaining a FFW. I am pretty sure me granting an extension/reschedule was a nice thing other than dropping the big DOUBLE FFL on both teams...again, your welcome.
We attempted to accept a FFL. We said, "Dang, I guess we don't have enough people. You guys get the FFW." We tried to do that. You came in and assumed you knew what was best. You ignored your own rules and the desires of both teams. It's extremely disrespectful.
As for an issue regarding a reschedule on one of your matches we have VERY specific guidelines required to obtain a FFW.
Yep, they are very specific. That's why it was so ridiculous that you ignored the requirements and instead made up a rule that said we had to play on Tuesday and denied us the opportunity to play on Wednesday or Thursday.

I mean, are you even being serious here? Are you even Spangler, or are you just some dude pretending to be in order to troll? Because if that's the case, I suggestion you do a little more research first, given that everything you've said so far has not only been false, but could easily be confirmed as false by a few minutes of reading.
Our client works well with users whose computers are up to par and are not riddled with junk, multiple firewalls/antiviruses running and in other cases, outdated drivers
Really? My computer is only five years old, and it's definitely one of the cleanest computers I have ever witnessed. Even on my computer it lags. Does "up to par" mean "capable of playing Crysis at high settings"? Because, you know, this is a CZ league, not a Crysis league. The recommended system requirements are 800 mhz processor, 128mb ram, 32mb+ video card, and Windows XP, so I would assume that would actually be the definition of "up to par". My system is significantly better than that and still lags with the client.

I strongly urge any user with issues to use our troubleshooting guide which 99% of the time resolves an ongoing issue in your computers performance anyways.
Huh, I guess it's not written by the same people who tried to help Panda fix his client. Their suggestions were "reformat your hard drive" and stupid shit like that. They spent eight hours in vent making stupid suggestions that didn't do any good, until Panda basically said "fuck this, I'll fix it myself", and did with five minutes of analysis and actual thinking.
So here we go with just a few holes to punch into that story you wish to parade around and pride yourself on.
You may want to try a bit harder. Maybe think a bit longer about what actually happened. You're just digging yourself deeper into your hole. You just making it more and more obvious that you are the sole problem with CEVO's CZ league, and the sole reason that nobody really cares about participating, and the reason why nobody bothers to give CEVO any respect.
I worked as an admin for many years, with CAL
Oh God did you kill CAL too? I guess that explains why people laugh so hard when anybody mentions they were in CAL.
Call me what you wish, but I am fair and call it like it is.
Then I guess the only thing I can call you is "delusional" if you really think you're fair.
I set the rules and my decisions are final.
You might as well just go ahead and delete your Rules sections then. It's obvious you have no respect for your own rules, and since you just change their arbitrarily, there is no sense even having them.
Also I might add you are a good story teller, nice elaborations on not only falsifying accounts with me but great detail in making me see how much of a compulsive liar you are
LOL good try. Very good try. ... Er, no, wait. That was a terrible try. Oh well, better luck next time.

I really don't appreciate you coming onto my forums and using it to spout your lies. If you want to come here and have an honest discussion, that's fine. Outright lies are not appreciated.

I would seriously suggest not posting here anymore. The more you talk, the dumber and more arbitrary you look.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 14 Oct 2011 11:18 
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I say again, in their favor.
How can it possibly be in our favor when it went against our own request? We clearly said "Well, I guess we'll take a FFL" and you went against that. If what we specifically request is not "in our favour", then wtf is?
scheduling became a last minute resort to users such as Anubis
How is it last minute to attempt to schedule a match on Monday when we have Monday through Thursday to play? After reading your posts, I'm seriously going to suggest you look for professional help. This level of delusions is not healthy at all.
Since Anubis wanted to go down the road he did
Why is the assumption always "gamer = male"? It's seriously getting really old how you keep trying to give me a penis and cut off my breasts. Seriously, who do you think you are? I understand you can just make up rules in CEVO and enforce your ideals as arbitrarily as you want in CEVO, but that's not how it works in the physical world. You can't just keep calling me a man and make it true.
he future of CZ is uncertain...the game is extremely spread out and the active users are moving onto bigger and better games,
Um... No. Have you ever seen how many petitions are posted to ESEA all the time? People want a good CZ league. Why do they want a good CZ league when CEVO exists? Oh yeah.. that's right. Because nobody thinks CEVO is a good league. Nobody will say it to your face, because they don't want to be blackballed, but we don't care what our reputation is among little whiny bitches. If you don't like us because we're the only person who was brave enough to tell you what a child you are, then so be it. We don't care. We have the moxy to stand up to shit like this, whereas most clans do not. The silence you hear is not support. It's fear. And the lack of participation is not a reflection on the CZ community. It's a reflection on the CEVO community.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 14 Oct 2011 15:50 
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+75 points Anubis

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 14 Oct 2011 20:35 

Joined: 13 Oct 2011 23:25
Posts: 3
I would love to point out all the mistakes and absolute delusion posts you made more but you really are troublesome. My server is fine, actually it seems that 99% of the community ask me all the time "hey can I use your server for a match, is your server available, wanna 10 man on your server?" This is because EVERYDAY I clear the logs, and have it setup to restart twice a day. NFOservers are handy machines, control panel is pretty cool...and if I need to upload the cfgs from the server for everyone to see by all means I will, they are only edited for entries under server names, passwords, contact emails and other various sayings, but if you can find where my cfg was against the rules...by all means point it out instead of bitching.

Anubis, I really hope to see you in CEVO again, REALLLLLLLLLLLY hope.

Have a nice day, I will no longer waste my time on a single individual whose monitor tan beats out most of the male stars on Jersey Shore.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 15 Oct 2011 08:27 
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lol spangler is so fucking stupid. This is amazing. Just when you thought he couldn't possibly lie anymore he comes to our forums. Well thank you spangler for making a complete fool of yourself I will be sure to pass this along to the rest of the gaming community and all the other clans that think you are a fucking tool bag. Cevo is laughed about amongst counter strike. So is CAL. Why don't you speak to a European clan and get laughed out of the conversation. You are hopelessly ignorant to your own failures as a human. Your fellow admin think you are a dick and your reputation as an asshole is widely known. CEVO will be gone in a few years anyway so why bother playing in such a pathetic league. You obviously know you are wrong since you are now resorting to name calling. We started that a long time ago when reason and sense obviously were not one of your strong suits. Your server is garbage and its very clear that you favor clans over others and make decisions in their favor. This is the exact reason you are failing so hard. Please give me more fuel for the fire!! You are so fucking blind its amazing. We had a 1000 fps linux chicago server ready to go and we had to play on your HORRIBLE "NFO" server. This just proves that if you don't know how to set up a server properly even an NFO server can blow. Your "knowledge" is laughable. Enjoy running CEVO into the ground. I will just sit back and laugh while you try to bucket water out of this sinking ship.

Every single response you made in our forums is a complete and utter lie. there isn't even the slightest bit of truth to any of it. we said we would accept a FFL and you couldn't accept that. We tried placing hltv on your server but you obviously had blocked that before that day. "no commands were issued that day" well no shit sherlock. You forgot that you had issued those commands previously and failed to fix the issue. You were being a douchebag on purpose about the recording, also apparent, and even had to have other admin tell you to stop being a dick....your boss.... LOL. Oh man you truly are a tool bag.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 15 Oct 2011 10:25 
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Told you man, he really must think he's a Cevo God. Only the internet gaming, or internet life makes him feel special, since in real life... Well lets just say he's probably a big nothing. He needs to get a woman, a room and chill. But then again, he would probably settle for a virtual woman in a virtual room... since he wouldn't have to leave his computer room. lolz

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 15 Oct 2011 11:05 
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NFOservers are handy machines, control panel is pretty cool.
Wow, it's an NFO server? With a control panel? It's actually pretty impressive that you are that bad with servers/computer that you managed to FUBAR a stock NFO server that badly.
Anubis, I really hope to see you in CEVO again, REALLLLLLLLLLLY hope.
just don't be a hypocrite and play in CEVO again
Come now, which is it Spangler? Is it really that difficult for you to keep things straight? I mean, yeah, your inconsistencies, lies, and confusions were pretty obvious for anybody to read, but I'm surprised you were so confused as to say the exact opposite within 24 hours.
nd if I need to upload the cfgs from the server for everyone to see by all means I will
Have a nice day, I will no longer waste my time on a single individual whose monitor tan beats out most of the male stars on Jersey Shore.
Wow, confused again? Within a few minutes (or however long it takes you to type) you have actually said the complete opposite.

I could understand maybe losing track of what was happening after a few months (like your first post indicated you had), but losing track of your own thoughts in a matter of mere minutes?

Now I truly am worried about your mental health. If I knew where you lived I would send an officer to do a wellness check on you. I could understand maybe being a little confused after a few months, but this is just disturbingly bad. I am genuinely concerned for you, Spangler, and I would very gravely suggest seeking professional help.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 15 Oct 2011 14:51 
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total tool bag. he can't even make coherent statements....I mean seriously, how can you act like you know ANYTHING when you know NOTHING. Spangler isn't the only bad admin in CEVO. He just happens to be king bitch faggot. Their tech guys are pathetic. I would rather talk to the geek squad at best buy ROFL!!!!

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 17 Oct 2011 02:21 
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Serial, when you say CEVO admins prefer some clans over others, its the truth, and an obvious one.

You see, most admins have their own teams so naturally ...

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 17 Oct 2011 06:51 
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yet another MAJOR flaw

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 17 Oct 2011 21:11 
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Hey Serial, aren't you Spangler's best friend? You should use this to your advantage you know. Since you guys are like brothers... lolz

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 14 Dec 2011 09:30 
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EDIT: deleted so as not to start an argument.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 15 Dec 2011 14:36 
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Spangler was never the "Head" of any game. Even cscz was he the "Assisstant Head", always trailing behind CEVO| Spec or something like that.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 15 Dec 2011 16:40 
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I distinctly recall looking at that page a few months ago and seeing him listed as the head of CZ and 1.6.

But then again, I also don't care enough to argue with you about it since I didn't screencap the page or anything and thus wouldn't have the type of proof you would require.

So... Ok then. I guess I'll just delete my post since I don't feel like arguing.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 15 Dec 2011 17:37 
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Well i wasnt arguing, however, i can screen cap evidence. If youve ever kept one of his emails where he has the full length page signature, youll see it says "assisstant head of game cz 1.6"

No argument. Just saying that he was never a head of game.

heres we go !
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 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 15 Dec 2011 19:26 
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Lol fair enough. I guess I was a little too eager for him to have disappeared :(

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 15 Dec 2011 21:12 
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Arnt we all...

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