How? Not allowing them to define their sexuality as different from the majority with the commonly accepted word would be saying they are less than anybody else, since it's a really a HUGE distinction once you reach adult hood and you're looking for a stable family, and you, as a straight male sitting around telling them what word they're allowed to use as a definition is really the height of priviledge/cultural dominance. The fact is, "gay" was appropriated to sexuality LOOOOONG before it was appropriated as a slang word for "stupid" or "negative". It's not up to you to decide that they need to pick a different word.
I didn't mean that they need to pick a different word. That's quite the opposite of what I meant. It doesn't matter what word is used to describe somebody who is homosexual, it will probably always have a derogatory meaning to it. Just like any word that is used to describe some sort of population.
Imagine a world where being straight is weird. Essentially the opposite of how the world currently views sexuality. If I wanted to tell people that I'm straight, that's my choice. But if other people look at me differently for being straight, that's not okay. Homosexual people should have the choice to use whatever word they want to use. But if straight people begin to use it to define homosexual people, it will quickly become a negative word.
People are people. I don't understand the NECESSITY to differentiate yourself from the general population. It seems like a thing self-conscious people do to feel different. I know that I'm different, I'm not just another slave of society. I don't need to have a distinction that I can show off to the world to PROVE that I'm different. Which is why I don't understand why homosexuality is so publicized. I get that it's not accepted by many. To me it's like, I'm straight. There's nothing anybody can do about that. It will not change, nobody can change that. Some people are homosexual. Nobody can change that. It seems to me that a lot of the, for lack of a better word, drama between the hetero and homosexual communities is due to the entire population trying to hold onto their pride, which doesn't really make sense. The homosexual community is saying we need to be equal, which I agree with, and the church, like you said, is basically saying "No, our old ways are right. Rules are rules and they were put into place for a reason."
Maybe my thinking is insensitive, but I don't care if somebody is homosexual or heterosexual. I don't care if your skin is black, white, brown, or any other color under the sun. I don't understand why any of it matters. I thought humans were much more evolved then that; to keep things the way they are just because that's the way they've been? I think social stigma's are archaic in the worst way.
I am 100% for equal rights. But I feel like we are making distinctions that don't need to be made. Like I showed in my previous post, there are words that have multiple meanings. I think that there is nothing wrong with using the word "gay" as a reference to homosexuality and using it as a completely different word with a separate reference to something negative. It does not mean that I think homosexuality as something that is negative.
Equally disrespected if a woman started hitting on you knowing you had a girlfriend?
Yes. I'm one of those guys that, when I'm with a woman, only has eyes for my woman. If a random girl hit on me, it's a compliment. If somebody knows I have a girlfriend and they do it anyway, I take that very disrespectfully.