This is exactly why I don't complain that AM isn't competitive enough. If people want to scrim, that's fine. But if people want to compete, they will have to dedicate time instead of playing when they feel like it.
Which is basically impossible.
This clan is made up almost entirely of people who have already graduated from college. They have full time jobs and can't dedicate the time to scrim ten times a night every night. They have full financial responsibility of themselves and sometimes others, and sometimes have to settle for cheaper gaming equipment because of that. They are self-reliant, and can't quit their day jobs to dedicate more time to gaming. Many are lower middle class or upper lower class and literally don't have a spare $7 to spend on ESEA every month. One symptom of being older is that some people simply have a strong enough sense of moral rectitude and justice that they won't cave in and give money to ESEA just because that's the expectation in the gaming community.
Competition is fun. Scrimming is fun. Joining leagues is fun. It is, IMO, the most enjoyable and best way to play, and that's why we structure our clan around it. But if you joined this clan because you thought we would become a semi-professional or professional team, and that we would be able to dedicate hours to hard-core competitive gaming every day, and that you would be able to quit your day job because we are so successful, then you have misunderstood.
Our clan is a compromise between competition and the constraints of real life. It will never become a nationally-renowned team (unless we get a hundred clan members, because then the chances of having people who actually could devote that time to the game would be higher), but it will also never become a "fun" clan with ten thousand meaningless, modded, unrecognizable game servers.
EDIT: Also, nice rant.

I'm sure it will spark some good discussion or at the very least some good thought.