Absurd Minds

Azn's rant against drivers
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Author:  DimSumGuy83 [ 28 Feb 2011 22:26 ]
Post subject:  Azn's rant against drivers

Hey people, Azn here with the 1st rant from someone other than Serial. My rant is aimed at stupid ass drivers on the highway. I commute to classes and that's a 45 minute trip. While driving on the highway, I see so many idiot drivers that make me wanna keep a paintball gun in my truck and paint up dumbass drivers. Now I understand driving AT speed limit is what we should all do but if you're going 5+ mph under, then what the hell are you doing driving on a highway?! Get off your fucking phones, quit texting, and use your fucking rear view mirrors. I mean jeez people, have some respect for your fellow drivers on the highway. If you HAVE to drive 5+ under the speed limit, then do it in the RIGHT lane. To me, the center lane is for those that want to obey the speed limit; which is perfectly okay because you're wanting to abide by the law. The left-hand lane is for people like me: those that like to go 5+ over the speed limit. Having dumbass drivers in the left-hand lane really grinds my gears and makes me wanna go loose with a paintball gun on their freaking car!!!

Author:  Amaroq [ 01 Mar 2011 11:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Azn's rant against drivers

I made your rant into a new thread.

The worst drivers here are the tailgaters. When I'm driving 70mph, I don't want a two ton vehicle two inches from the back of my car. People don't seem to realize that this is a life-threatening situation. It's not just them showing me how annoyed they are that I'm driving 70mph - if I have to slam on my breaks, they WILL hit me, and at that speed, they probably WILL kill me. This is DANGEROUS.

Of course, the worst is when I flip them off for ENDANGERING MY LIFE and they have the gall to get mad at ME for flipping them off. Um... flipping you off doesn't endanger your life. Your tailgating does.

Author:  serialp0rt [ 01 Mar 2011 12:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Azn's rant against drivers

yep, I am gonna start recording video of said bad drivers, so I now have proof. If they yell at me I'll tell them check youtube tonite under dumbass driver.

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