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About to f***ing KILL somebody http://forums.absurdminds.net/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=811 |
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Author: | -Tyler- [ 27 Apr 2011 19:19 ] |
Post subject: | About to f***ing KILL somebody |
So, yesterdayin wellness we had to do push-ups and sit-ups fitness testing. I finished with 80 pushups, and was capped at 170 sit-ups. Not CURL-UPS but actually SIT-UPs. Now your saying to yourself, thats not even hard, but in reality it sucks. Becuase you ahve to go down..up..down..up WITH THE BEAT. go down hold it 3 seconds, up hold it three seconds. Just try doing 10 of those kind of push-ups. They suck my jolly yellow balls, but me, being Tyler, surrounded by infatuating looking teenagers am like: "Wow, fuck. i hope "insert girls name here" is actually watching me, the last one still in, suffering in pain going down and up like a pornstar riding. (not literally NORTHERN) . Anyways, im thinking well, just keep going and show off. Anyways, i learn that day is over, but i have to run a mile tommorow. No prob. 6 45 of torture than im done 4 good. Not so. I wake up this morning hardly able to move because my arms weight a ton and my abs refuse to register like a moc server with 4 players. Anyways, although i cant open my eyes without a spasm of pain, i continue on and show off like the stud i am. First period... math. Yay, me being the 4.0 ultra nerd that i am finish in 15 mins while the teachers explainga a2+b2=c2 to all the mentally challenged kids whom wont even attend signing up for high school. So now i have an hour to sit back and relax. The height of my day. Social Studies, my teacher and my track coach Mr.Olson keeps talking and talking for every last minute of the entire period (which eh does quite a bit), so although i got to rest, i had to listen to the penis wrinkle just in case. Now my eigth favorite part of the day, Lunch. We have to pay TWO FUCKIN DOLLARS FOR A QUARTER PINT, PINT, PINT OF MILK AND ANOTHER ITEM THAT CAN FIT ON MY FUCKING NUMPAD. Well, turns out i had a $1.95. SOOOOOOOOOOO, i got water, and a half of a pb sandwitch which tasted AWFUL and i still got drained of my money. Are those incoherant school running cock sniffs THAT poor? Anyways, advisor, 15 more minutes of rest, fuck ya ! Plus, ima right by this certain someone.... Mile time. Fuck my life. Couldnt put my arms over my head then, cant now, amazing huh.Well, awesome, but now its 20 degrees and HAILING. What The FUCK. Anywho,after 7 mins 8 sex in ima done, my slowest time in two years. Sighh. There goes my shoing off jig even if i DID finish first.... still wasnt no 6:00. Now ima at home ranting about how much my life sucks when i havnt even reached teh climax of my day. i have to go visit my birthmother and my mentally incapable brother whos still Aristotol next to her. Well, i just have to go there and sit for an hour and half because HES visiting HER. However, i cant stay here because the state "reccomends i be in attendance". What a chocie huh. Even though i hate both the incoherant dick squeezes. After all this bullshit, im going to the 7th place this week to look for a headset thats not mad eby some gay brand. Hell, at this point, id take some dumb rocket fishes. Furthermore the backround has been flooded by this song : If i dont go mentally unstable and implode ill be amazed. Oh yea, i ALMOST forgot, I have to run another mile tommorow and possibly firday all because some chunks dont want to ru nand cant finish a mile under 15 mins. Even sumo wrestlers can get a 15 min mile. So my life is just fucking great. |
Author: | serialp0rt [ 28 Apr 2011 07:27 ] |
Post subject: | Re: About to f***ing KILL somebody |
nice rant. I liked it. I really liked the Moc Gaming reference. The state is stupid most of the time when dealing with families. Also, school sign contracts (or school districts sign contracts) with these companies to provide them food for students. It is almost ALWAYS over priced and basically crap food. I feel for ya. Hang in there. High school usually has better food. I ran my mile back in the day at 7:15. I think the best I ever did was like 6:55. I wasn't a long distance runner. |
Author: | Amaroq [ 28 Apr 2011 13:40 ] |
Post subject: | Re: About to f***ing KILL somebody |
And serial got all the ladies. If a slow poke like serial could get all the ladies with a 7:15, you have nothing to worry about with your 7:08 time. |
Author: | Teh_Bunny [ 28 Apr 2011 16:58 ] |
Post subject: | Re: About to f***ing KILL somebody |
hahaha sucks balls man reminds me of middle school actually but we always did all three on the same day and we are lucky cuz our food is basically free...cuz well...i dont know i guess they think were poor enough or whatever but hey sucks balls and as far as you know the girls arent really paying attention lol |
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