Absurd Minds

Idiocity and young people...
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Author:  -Tyler- [ 12 May 2011 13:28 ]
Post subject:  Idiocity and young people...

Well i wont be on very often during the next few however long.

Basically my brother, a foster child, isnt aloud to see/do anything regarding guns. So he printed pictures of them.

So now the computer has "parental controls"

Now i have the admin pw and all that blah blah,so the controls are like a scratch in the sand. That doesnt bother me. HOWEVER, if caught on or if the history shows im on anytime ill be perma-banned from the computer.

So, i was like " make two --fckin- accounts"

"Dont be a smart-ass" (classic parent excuse when theyre at a loss for things to say) "Until you know more about computers than me, i dont want a word out of your mouth."


And a few more LOLOLOLOL for the road.
my cousin is a common user who thinks hes cool because he knows about the commnd prompt and how to "trouble shoot".
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. He doesnt even know how to do THAT very well.

Anyways, i never back down from these kind of things ESPECAIALLY if someones if saying they know more OR im wrong WHEN I KNOW IM RIGHT

So i wont be on much, WILL be at practice, Ill try to be in game. Hammerprojectis 85% done, but its laid off for now. Peace.

Author:  Amaroq [ 12 May 2011 14:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Idiocity and young people...

Wow, that really sucks. :(

Author:  serialp0rt [ 12 May 2011 17:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Idiocity and young people...

LAME!!!! I hate when parents make a ruling but refuse to explain themselves. Obviously you have doubts about your ruling if you can't explain it, or even give a reason for your decision. "Because I said so" is probably the worst one ever.

Author:  DimSumGuy83 [ 13 May 2011 02:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Idiocity and young people...

All you can really do is just look at the ground and face reality. There's really nothing you can do to change the minds of your parents but in the end, you'll come to understand their terms.

As for your cousin thinking he knows shit just because he knows about the command prompt and some methods of trouble-shooting; kids these days don't know squat. To them, it's all "Ooooh, I know how to use IE." and "I'm good at using Microsoft Office." Trolls will be trolls.

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