Absurd Minds

2015 AM Configs
Page 2 of 2

Author:  Amaroq [ 10 Dec 2016 12:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2015 AM Configs

Do it again. See if it changed

Author:  Traviesaurus [ 10 Dec 2016 12:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2015 AM Configs

Nope, exact same thing. Must be your unzipper.


Author:  Amaroq [ 10 Dec 2016 13:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2015 AM Configs

It's not my unzipper. Even if I don't unzip it I can't see those files.

Author:  Traviesaurus [ 10 Dec 2016 15:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2015 AM Configs


For those having issues viewing it. The zip file contains the following:

//     ____ _                 ___                             
//    / ___| |__   ___   ___ / _ \ _ __ __ _ _ __   __ _  ___ 
//   | |   | '_ \ / _ \ / __| | | | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \
//   | |___| | | | (_) | (__| |_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| |  __/
//    \____|_| |_|\___/ \___|\___/|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___|
//                                                 |___/        
//  Autoexec for Choc configs by ChocOrange www.sdcsclan.co.uk

echo autoexec starts
exec choc.cfg
exec choc_override		// Commands in here override those in choc.cfg
echo autoexec ends
//   _____ _                 ____
//  / ____| |               / __ \
// | |    | |__   ___   ___| |  | |_ __ __ _ _ __   __ _  ___
// | |    | '_ \ / _ \ / __| |  | | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \
// | |____| | | | (_) | (__| |__| | | | (_| | | | | (_| |  __/
//  \_____|_| |_|\___/ \___|\____/|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___|
//                                                 |___/
echo *-----------------------------------------------------------------
echo * Config v2.40 by ChocOrange: www.sdcsclan.co.uk
//	Changelog
//	c2.40
//		Tidied up some stuff
//		Added RADAR zoom controls ( '+' & '-'	next to backspace)
//		Moved some buy binds (shottys & SMGs now grouped together) 
//	V2.30
//		Removed smoke alias to be legal with new league rules
//		Changed to F2&F3 = Jumpthrow. F1&F2&F3 = Forward Jumpthrow. F2&F3&F4 = Backward Jumpthrow
//	v2.20
//		Made shottys easier to buy
//		Tidied some formatting
//	v2.10
//		Switched some weapons after the SMG update
//		POV changes added to reduce rifle blocking some views
//	v2.00
//		Rewrite of nade / weapon switch
//		Decals (blood and bullet holes) cleared on reload
//		Rework of weapon buys
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// -	BUYING - All keys are on the numeric and navigation keypads	
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Enter			Nade
// +				Flash
// - (minus)		Smoke
// Enter			HE Grenade
// *				Molly
// Slash			Defuser	<<<=========================================	:)

// 0 (zero)			Kevlar and helmet (Full armour)	or just kevlar if no cash
// .				Deagle
// 1				M4 or AK
// 2				Dual Elites
// 3				Famas or Galilar
// 4				P250
// 5				Tec9 / Five-Seven
// 6				P90
// 7				MP7
// 8				UMP
// 9				Mac10 / MP9
// Insert			Nova
// Home				Mag7 / Sawedoff
// Page Up			Auto Shotty
// Del (cursor)		Decoy
// Cursor up		Scout
// Cursor Left		Aug or SG552
// Cursor Down		g3sg1 or scar20 (Auto Snipes)
// Cursor Right		AWP
// Cursor up		Replenishes all nades except smoke. Also buys defuser if CT. 
// End				Full Equip - M4 or AK, all nades (except smoke) and full armour. Also Defuse if CT.
// Page Down		Kevar (Vest).
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// -	In-game commands
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// + (=)		 	Zoom radar in
// -				Zoom radar out
// > (comma)		Increase in-game player's voice volume
// < (full stop)	Decrease in-game player's voice volume
// ]				Netgraph (shows connection info)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// -	Jump Throws
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Jump Throw			= F2&F3
// Forward Jump Throw	= F1&F2&F3
// Backward Jump Throw	= F2&F3&F4
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// -	Demo Recorder
// -	Up to 6 demos with auto increment of demo name number
// -	Demo names are d01.dem -> d06.dem	(saved in cstrike folder)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// F5	Demo Start/stop. Demo number auto increments after stopping
// F6	For CS timeouts. Increments demo number by 1 without recording so you don't overwrite one
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// -	Things you may want to change are below
// -	Note that walk and crouch are different to the defaults
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

//					Crosshair 

crosshair 1							// Enable crosshair
cl_observercrosshair 1				// Show playernames and crosshair when spectating

// ************************
// *** New style crosshair 
// ************************

//cl_crosshairstyle 0				// 0 New Style Crosshair - Dynamic (Default)
									// 1 New Style Crosshair - Static

//cl_fixedcrosshairgap 3			// def. 3 - Center gap between Crosshair lines
									// Also accepts negative Values like -1 / -2 / -3 etc.
									// This option works only with cl_crosshairstyle 1

//cl_crosshaircolor 1				// 1=Green 2=Yellow 3=Blue 4=LightBlue

//cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue 0	// Gap doesn't change on weapon

// ************************
// *** Old style crosshair 
// ************************

cl_crosshairstyle 4					// 2=Classic		 -Crosshair is slightly dynamic.
									// 3=Classic Dynamic -Crosshair is very dynamic/expands a lot.
									// 4=Classic Static	-Crosshair is static on movement and dynamic when firing.

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0			// Use crosshair outline
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 0		// Crosshair outline thickness

cl_crosshairdot 0					// Dot in middle of crosshair (0=No dot)
cl_crosshairsize 20					// Length of the crosshair
cl_crosshairthickness 0.5			// Thickness of the crosshair	(orig 0.2)
cl_crosshairgap -10					// Distance between crosshairs (note: can be minus to reduce the gap more)
cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue 0	// Gap stays the same size for all weapons

cl_crosshaircolor 5					// 0=Red	1=Green	2=Yellow	3=Blue	4=Lightblue
									// 5=Custom color using cl_crosshaircolor_R/_G/_B

cl_crosshaircolor_r 255				// Amount of Red in rgb
cl_crosshaircolor_g 0				// Amount of Green in rgb
cl_crosshaircolor_b 0				// Amount of Blue in rgb

cl_crosshairusealpha 1				// Easy to see crosshair
cl_crosshairalpha 255				// Opacity of crosshair (def 200)

//					Mouse Stuff.	Remove // at line starts to use

//sensitivity 3						// Mouse sensitivity.
//m_mousespeed 1					// Windows mouse acceleration (0 to disable, 1 to enable 
//m_customaccel 0					// no mouse acceleration
//zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 1.0	// Zoom sensitivity scale factor
// Default rest of Mouse commands
m_customaccel_exponent 1.05			// Mouse move is raised to this power before being scaled by scale factor (def)
m_customaccel_max 0					// Max mouse move scale factor, 0 for no limit (def)
m_customaccel_scale 0.04			// Custom mouse acceleration value (def)	
m_mouseaccel1 0						// Windows mouse acceleration initial threshold (2x movement) - disable
m_mouseaccel2 0						// Windows mouse acceleration initial threshold (4x movement) - disable
m_pitch 0.022						// Mouse pitch factor. ( def. "0.022" )
m_rawinput 1						// Enable mouse raw input
m_side 0.8							// Mouse side factor (def)
m_yaw 0.022							// Mouse yaw factor (def)

//					Controls

bind capslock	"+speed; r_cleardecals"							// Walk
bind shift		"+duck; r_cleardecals"							// Couch
bind ctrl		"+voicerecord"									// Talk in-game
bind `			"toggleconsole"									// Console
bind tab		"+showscores"									// Scores
bind escape		"cancelselect"									// Cancel

bind 1			"slot1"											// Pistol
bind 2			"slot2"											// Rifle
bind 3			"slot3"											// Knife
bind 4			"slot4"											// Toggle through nades
bind 5			"slot5"											// Bomb
bind 6			"slot6"											// Nade
bind 7			"slot7"											// Flash
bind 8			"slot8"											// Smoke
bind 9			"slot9"											// Decoy
bind 0			"slot10"										// Molly
bind a			"+moveleft"										// Move Left
bind b			"buymenu"										// Buy Menu
bind c			"slot10"										// Use Molly
bind d			"+moveright"									// Move Right
bind e			"+use"											// Use
bind f			"slot8"											// Use Smoke
bind g			"drop"											// Drop
bind h			"holdpos"										// Stop bot running away
bind i			"echo ignorerad"
//bind j
bind k			"incrementvar mat_monitorgamma 1.6 2.6 0.05"	// Decrease mat_monitorgamma
bind L			"incrementvar mat_monitorgamma 1.6 2.6 -0.05"	// Increase mat_monitorgamma
//bind l
bind m			"teammenu"										// Change Team menu	
bind n			"sm_admin"										// Server admin menu
//bind o
//bind p
bind q			"invnextnongrenade"								// Switch between Pistol / Rifle
bind r			"+reload; r_cleardecals"						// Reload & Clear Decals (blood etc)
bind s			"+back"											// Move Backward
// bind t
bind u			"say_team"										// Team Chat
bind v			"+lookatweapon"									// Inspect that pretty skin
bind w			"+forward"										// Move Forward
bind x			"+lookatweapon"									// Decoy
bind y			"say"											// Chat
bind z			"slot9"											// Decoy

//bind F1
//bind F2
//bind F3
//bind F4
bind F5			"k_rec"											// Start or Stop demos (toggle)
bind F6			"k_skip"											// Increments next demo number (in case of timeouts to prevent over-writing)
// bind F7
bind F8			""													// Autodirector
bind F9			"+jump"											// For watching demos (space is still jump)
bind F10		"radio3"										// Autodirector
bind F11		""	
bind F12		"jpeg"											// Screen shot (also Enter)
bind enter		"jpeg"											// Screen shot (also F10)

bind mouse1	 "+attack"											// Shoot
bind mouse2	 "+attack2"											// Zoom
bind mouse3	 "slot3"											// knife
bind mouse4	 ""													// TS3 key
bind mouse5	 ""												 	// TS3 key
bind mwheelup	"use weapon_knife; slot6"						// Mouse Wheel up	- Nade
bind mwheeldown "use weapon_knife; use weapon_flashbang"		// Mouse Wheel down - Flash

bind numlock	""												// TS3 key
// bind /														// Toggle TS3/in-game voice (see below)
// bind semicolon
// bind #														// Shadowplay key
// bind alt														// Toggles crosshair sizes (see below)

bind ,	 "incrementvar voice_scale 0 1	-0.025; voice_scale"			 // Decrease pub voice volume ( < )
bind .	 "incrementvar voice_scale 0 1	0.025; voice_scale"				 // Increase pub voice volume ( > )
bind ]	 "incrementvar net_graph 0 1 -1"								 // Toggle net_graph display
bind [	 "incrementvar cl_showfps 0 2 1"								 // Toggle cl_showfps
bind =	 "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 0.7	0.025; cl_radar_scale"	 // Zoom in RADAR
bind -	 "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 0.7 -0.025; cl_radar_scale"	 // Zoom out RADAR
bind '	 "+showscores													 // For when tab breaks

//					Buying

// *****************************************
// *** Defuser
// *****************************************

bind kp_slash		"buy defuser"					 // Slash

// *****************************************
// *** Nades
// *****************************************

bind kp_enter		 "buy hegrenade"				 // Enter
bind kp_plus		 "buy flashbang"				 // +
bind kp_minus		 "buy smokegrenade"				 // -
bind kp_multiply	 "buy molotov; buy incgrenade"	 // *

// *****************************************
// *** Decent Guns
// *****************************************

bind kp_end			 "buy ak47; buy m4a1; "			 // 1 buy weapon_m4a1_silencer
bind kp_downarrow	 "buy elite"					 // 2
bind kp_pgdn		 "buy galilar; buy famas"		 // 3
bind kp_leftarrow	 "buy p250"						 // 4
bind kp_5			 "buy tec9;buy fiveseven"		 // 5 
bind kp_rightarrow	 "buy p90"						 // 6
bind kp_home		 "buy mp7"						 // 7
bind kp_uparrow		 "buy ump45"					 // 8
bind kp_pgup		 "buy mac10; buy mp9"			 // 9
bind kp_del			 "buy deagle"					 // kp delete

// *****************************************
// *** Scoped Weapons
// *****************************************

bind uparrow		"buy ssg08"						// Cursor up	(Scout)
bind leftarrow		"buy aug; buy sg553"			// Cursor left (Aug.SG)
bind downarrow		"buy g3sg1; buy scar20"			// Cursor Down (Auto Noob)
bind rightarrow		"buy awp"						// Cursor right (AWP)

// *****************************************
// *** Shottys
// *****************************************

bind ins			"buy nova"						// Insert
bind home			"buy mag7; buy sawedoff"		// Home
bind pgup			"buy xm1014"					// Cursor key Page Up

bind del			"buy taser"						// del (above cursor keys)

// *****************************************
// *** Armour
// *****************************************

bind kp_ins		"buy vest; buy vesthelm"			// kp insert
bind pgdn		"buy vest"							// Page Down

// **********************************************************************
// *** Full fast buy (alias for readability)
// *** M4/AK, 2 flahes, 1 nade, Vest/Vesthelm (if money), defuser if ct
// **********************************************************************

bind "end"			"fastbuy1; fastbuy2; fastbuy3"	// end
alias "fastbuy1"	"buy ak47; buy m4a1"
alias "fastbuy2"	"buy flashbang; buy flashbang; buy vest"
alias "fastbuy3"	"buy defuser; buy vesthelm"

//					View Model settings - Lowered so view isn't as blocked

viewmodel_offset_x -2			// default 0
viewmodel_offset_y -2			// default 0
viewmodel_offset_z -2			// default 0

viewmodel_presetpos	0			// 0 (Force use of above), 1 (Desktop - def.), 2 (Couch), 3 (Classic)

// Don't move weapon when crouching
cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 0
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0

// Reduce weapon swaying when moving - makes scopes easier when walking
cl_bob_lower_amt 5
cl_bobamt_lat 0.1
cl_bobamt_vert 0.1
cl_bobcycle 0

//					Blip Sounds for Toggles

alias blip_on "playvol buttons/blip1 0.2"
alias blip_off "playvol ambient/office/office_projector_slide_01 1"

//					Toggle crouch jump (defaults to crouch jump)

// Crouch jump//
alias +duckjump	"+duck; +jump"
alias -duckjump	"-jump; -duck"

alias jump_std "bind space +jump; alias jump_chng jump_duck; blip_off"
alias jump_duck "bind space +duckjump; alias jump_chng jump_std; blip_on"

alias jump_chng "jump_std"

bind F8 "jump_chng"	
bind space "+duckjump"

//					Toggle Crosshair for smoke

Alias "ch_smoke_norm"	 "cl_crosshairsize 20; cl_crosshairthickness 0.5;cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0;cl_fixedcrosshairgap -10; cl_crosshairgap -10; alias ch_smoke ch_smoke_big"
alias "ch_smoke_big"	 "cl_crosshairsize 1000; cl_crosshairthickness 0.5;cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0;cl_fixedcrosshairgap -10; cl_crosshairgap -10; alias ch_smoke ch_smoke_norm"
alias "ch_smoke"		 "ch_smoke_big" 

bind alt				 "ch_smoke" 


//					Rate and Netcode

fps_max 200
rate 128000			 // Rate
cl_cmdrate 128		 // Updates to server
cl_updaterate 128	 // Updates from server
cl_interp 0			 // Iterp 0 means calculate lerp using cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate
cl_interp_ratio 1	 // Zero SPARE 'tic' of data. Change to 2 if you get lag or jerkiness.
cl_forcepreload 1	 // Load all at map start
cl_lagcompensation 1 // Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events
cl_predictweapons 1	 // Perform client side prediction of weapon effects
cl_resend 6			 // Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt
cl_timeout 10		 // Timeout after 10 secs if no data packets received from server
mat_queue_mode -1	 // Let csgo decide how many cores your cpu has (-1 let csgo decide, 1= 1 CORE, 2=2 core etc)

//					Radar & HUD

mat_monitorgamma 1.6					// Def=2, CRT=2.2, LCD=1.7

cl_autohelp 0							// Don't show 'help' messages in HUD eg 'you have spotted an enemy'
cl_hud_color 2							// Light Blue
cl_hud_background_alpha 0.5				// HUD elements are slightly see through
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar 1				// Bomb Icon shown under radar
cl_hud_playercount_showcount 1			// Show players left (0 = show avatars)
cl_hud_radar_scale 1.2					// Size of the radar on HUD (1=default)
cl_showhelp 0							// No on-screen help
cl_showloadout 1						// Show inventory
cl_teammate_colors_show 2				// Show Team Mate colours and letters on radar (1= just colour)
gameinstructor_enable 0					// Remove 'help' text
hud_showtargetid 1						// Show enemy name

cl_radar_icon_scale_min 0.6				// Alter size of icons on radar
cl_radar_always_centered 1				// Centre radar on player
cl_radar_scale 0.5						// Make radar show all the map - min value (see binds for "-" and "=" to rEsize) Default 0.7
cl_radar_rotate 1						// Rotate the radar
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard 0		// Keep the round radar

cl_disablefreezecam 1					// Disable freeze cam
cl_freezecameffects_showholiday 0		// Get rid of holiday effects
cl_freezecampanel_position_dynamic 0	// It's disabled anyway

muzzleflash_light 1						// Show muzzleflash
r_drawtracers_firstperson 1				// Turn on own tracers

//					Microphone Changer

// TS3 & In-Game voice changer - defaults to TS3.
// Use '/' to toggle - it will make a blip sound when in-game is active

// Change the numlock key below to the one you use to talk in ts3 - change it in both places!

bind / "voice_type"

alias no_bind ""																	 // allow a bind to be removed in an alias
alias voice_ingame "bind numlock +voicerecord; alias voice_type voice_ts3; blip_on"	 // pub
alias voice_ts3 "bind numlock no_bind; alias voice_type voice_ingame; blip_off"		 // match
alias voice_type voice_ingame

//					Practice mode and demo alias

alias acc		"weapon_debug_spread_show 1; cl_crosshairstyle 3; weapon_debug_spread_show"				// show weapon accuracy
alias acc2		"cl_weapon_debug_print_accuracy 2; developer 1; weapon_debug_spread_show"				// show weapon recoil
alias acc3		"cl_weapon_debug_print_accuracy 1; developer 1;con_filter_text "distance to target"		// Show distance to target
alias accoff	"weapon_debug_spread_show 0; cl_crosshairstyle 4; developer 0"							// Turn off weapon accuracy etc
alias choc		"exec choc"																				// Re-execs this cfg
alias demo		"exec demo"																				// execs demo watching cfg

//					Volumes and Music

Volume 1								// Overall Game Volume
voice_scale 0.5							// In-Game voice volume (0.5 = 50% vol, 1 = 100% vol)
voice_caster_scale 0.75					// Volume of castor in GOTV

snd_mixahead 0.1						// Correct audio synchronization and reduce stuttering

snd_musicvolume 0						// Overall music volume
snd_deathcamera_volume 0				// Relative volume of the death camera music.
snd_mapobjective_volume 0				// Relative volume of map objective music.
snd_menumusic_volume 0					// Relative volume of the main menu music.
snd_music_selection 0					// Tracking rotating music for players with no music packs equipped.
snd_musicvolume_multiplier_inoverlay 0	// Music volume multiplier when Steam Overlay is active
snd_roundend_volume 0					// Relative volume of round end music.
snd_roundstart_volume 0					// Relative volume of round start music.
snd_tensecondwarning_volume 0			// Relative volume of ten second warning music.

//					Technical Settings

con_enable 1					// Allow console to be used
con_filter_enable 2				// Bold the filter
con_filter_text damage			// Highlight damage in console

cl_allowdownload 0				// Allow server downloads (maps)
cl_allowupload 0				// Use own sprays

net_graph 0						// Net_graph off
net_graphpos 3					// Net Graph lower left of screen when shown

econ_highest_baseitem_seen "64"	// Inventory remove the "New items" message

lobby_voice_chat_enabled 0		// Disable mic in lobby

cl_autowepswitch 0				// Don't switch to a better weapon if picked up

cl_use_opens_buy_menu 0			// E (Use) doesn't open buy menu.

mm_dedicated_search_maxping 70	// Stop the Russian high pingers

joystick 0						// Disable joystick - required for Faceit

// Steam msg bottom left of screen (topright, topleft, bottomleft & bottomright)
ui_steam_overlay_notification_position bottomleft

// Set map list in lobby (needs to be changed every operation)
// player_competitive_maplist_8_5_1_FE007AD3 "mg_de_dust2,mg_de_inferno"

//					Demo Recorder

// Set defaults for alias names that are bound to keys

alias k_skip "d_skip02"
alias k_rec "d01"

// Alias demo skip key settings & error message

alias d_skip01 "echo NEXT DEMO SET TO 1; alias k_rec d01; alias k_skip d_skip02"
alias d_skip02 "echo NEXT DEMO SET TO 2; alias k_rec d02; alias k_skip d_skip03"
alias d_skip03 "echo NEXT DEMO SET TO 3; alias k_rec d03; alias k_skip d_skip04"
alias d_skip04 "echo NEXT DEMO SET TO 4; alias k_rec d04; alias k_skip d_skip05"
alias d_skip05 "echo NEXT DEMO SET TO 5; alias k_rec d05; alias k_skip d_skip06"
alias d_skip06 "echo NEXT DEMO SET TO 6; alias k_rec d06; alias k_skip d_skip01"

alias rec_err_msg "status; echo STOP DEMO RECORDING (F1) BEFORE CHANGING DEMO NUMBER"

// Demo Record

alias d01 "record d01; alias k_rec d_end01; alias k_skip rec_err_msg"
alias d02 "record d02; alias k_rec d_end02; alias k_skip rec_err_msg"
alias d03 "record d03; alias k_rec d_end03; alias k_skip rec_err_msg"
alias d04 "record d04; alias k_rec d_end04; alias k_skip rec_err_msg"
alias d05 "record d05; alias k_rec d_end05; alias k_skip rec_err_msg"
alias d06 "record d06; alias k_rec d_end06; alias k_skip rec_err_msg"

// Demo Stop

alias d_end01 "stop; alias k_skip d_skip02; alias k_rec d02"
alias d_end02 "stop; alias k_skip d_skip03; alias k_rec d03"
alias d_end03 "stop; alias k_skip d_skip04; alias k_rec d04"
alias d_end04 "stop; alias k_skip d_skip05; alias k_rec d05"
alias d_end05 "stop; alias k_skip d_skip06; alias k_rec d06"
alias d_end06 "stop; alias k_skip d_skip01; alias k_rec d01; echo ***; echo *** WARNING : all 6 demos recorded; echo ***"

echo * Config v2.40 by ChocOrange Loaded. GL&HF 
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------
//     ____ _                 ___                             
//    / ___| |__   ___   ___ / _ \ _ __ __ _ _ __   __ _  ___ 
//   | |   | '_ \ / _ \ / __| | | | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \
//   | |___| | | | (_) | (__| |_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| |  __/
//    \____|_| |_|\___/ \___|\___/|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___|
//                                                 |___/        
//  Demo Watching Config by ChocOrange: Quakenet #sd&cs www.sdcsclan.co.uk

echo ===================================
echo Key Speed
//echo F1 .1
//echo F2 .25
echo F3 .5
echo F4 Normal Speed
echo F5 5x
echo F6 10x
echo F7 25x
echo F8 50x

echo -----------------------------------
echo G - Show Graphs
echo F10 Toggle Draw Models
echo F11 Radio2 - Xray toggle
echo F12 Demoui - Demo Controller
echo Backspace - Pause demo
echo Enter - Resume Demo
echo = (Equals) - Screenshot
echo ===================================

// showpanel all
// showpanel chat

sv_cheats 1
mat_disable_bloom 1
mat_postprocess_enable 0
fog_enable 0
fog_override 1
sv_skyname vertigoblue_hdr
tv_nochat 1

bind \ +duck
bind c "+radio3"
bind g "lastinv"                // show graphs
bind F3 "demo_timescale 0.5"
bind F4 "demo_timescale 1"
bind F5 "demo_timescale 5"
bind F6 "demo_timescale 10"
bind F7 "demo_timescale 25"
bind F8 "demo_timescale 50"
bind f10 "incrementvar r_drawothermodels 1 2 1"
bind F11 "radio2"
bind F12 "demoui"
bind backspace "demo_pause"
bind enter "demo_resume"
bind = "jpeg"

bind , "volume 0"
bind . "volume 0.75"

sv_cheats					1
mat_postprocess_enable		0
cl_draw_only_deathnotices	1
hud_showtargetid			0
mp_display_kill_assists		0
Viewmodel_offset_x			2
viewmodel_offset_y			2
viewmodel_offset_z			-2

exec choc_demo

bind "mouse1" "spec_next"
bind "mouse2" "spec_prev"
//     ____ _                 ___                             
//    / ___| |__   ___   ___ / _ \ _ __ __ _ _ __   __ _  ___ 
//   | |   | '_ \ / _ \ / __| | | | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \
//   | |___| | | | (_) | (__| |_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| |  __/
//    \____|_| |_|\___/ \___|\___/|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___|
//                                                 |___/        
//  Override Config by ChocOrange www.sdcsclan.co.uk

//  Changes made in here override those in choc.cfg

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