Absurd Minds

UFC: Personal Trainer - Xbox 360 Kinect
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Author:  Traviesaurus [ 05 Feb 2012 18:47 ]
Post subject:  UFC: Personal Trainer - Xbox 360 Kinect

A few months ago I purchased UFC: Personal Trainer for Kinect on Xbox 360. I recommend this game to anybody up to a intermediate fitness level.

This game is full of motivation; the characters in the game are always giving words to help push you further and to get you to do those two or three extra reps. It uses Kinect to "see" you do the full motion of each exercise, and counts your reps on the side of the screen.

The game has many options to choose from for workouts. There are 3 main categories, quick workouts, full workouts, and exercises.

Quick workouts:
I think these suck. They are very short workouts and are basically used for those days when you have NO time to workout but you want to keep to your commitment and workout anyway. These sessions are about 20 minutes from start to finish. When I used the quick workouts, I found the warm-up and cool-down to be more physically straining then the actual workout.

Full workouts:
These are longer workouts that are about 45 minutes from start to finish. The warm-up and cool-down is just as long as the quick workouts, which leaves much more time for the actual exercises. These workouts have many categories and each category has 3 levels of difficulty. The only downfall to the 3 levels is that you MUST complete the prior level to unlock the harder one. The categories you can chose range from working on kicks/knees, punches/elbows, combo's, aerobics, agility, and MUCH more!

These are short exercises to fine tune what you learn in the full workouts. Some of the things you can do for exercises are using a speed bag, using a heavy bag for punches, and using a trainer with gloves for combo's.

You can play video games while working out
It works on a point system so you can work harder to beat your previous best
It is very motivational
Warm-up and cool-down work very well to ease your body into the workout
Game registers almost every movement accurately

It doesn't register push-ups and sit-ups very well
The motivational phrases are repetitive


Author:  Amaroq [ 05 Feb 2012 19:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: UFC: Personal Trainer - Xbox 360 Kinect

Lol I've always wondered how that worked. I think it would be fun and motivational to be able to do that.

Author:  Teh_Bunny [ 10 Feb 2012 14:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: UFC: Personal Trainer - Xbox 360 Kinect

i wanna get the kicnect for my 360 so bad :(

Author:  serialp0rt [ 06 Mar 2012 21:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: UFC: Personal Trainer - Xbox 360 Kinect

I want my 360 to work so bad :(

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