Hello all! It's been a while since I've posted here but I figured I'd post a little video of me playing the Overwatch open beta. In the video, I'm grouped up with Demi, Kami's brother, and his brother's 2 friends. The objective for us is to get the payload to the end of the map (TF2 style). The character you see me playing as is Reaper; an offensive type of character that specializes in flanking and causing extreme damage at close range with his 2 shotguns. Also in the beginning of the video, you see me playing as Hanzo; a defensive type similar to a sniper of sorts. Anyways, for the majority of the video, I play as Reaper since we are on the offensive. When you see the clutch, you'll notice that Demi puts up an ice wall in my face and blocks me from advancing. This actually worked to my advantage because they didn't expect what move I was going to make so kudos to Demi for that ice wall! So enough with the video description and onto watching. Enjoy!