One thing i hated was the yelling, I don't know why i was sensitive to yelling but i was.
SAME. The minute somebody starts yelling, even if they're yelling in joy or excitement, it really sets me on edge.
I never helped my mom at all, i never washed dishes, i never did my own laundry, i never helped with physical things at all since i'm a walking stick.
Even when my mom got diagnosed with MS I still didn't feel any desire to help her with anything, and I mostly just complained whenever I did have to.
it's probably because i never really felt hungry when i was sitting on my ass playing on the gamecube, laptop, computer, etc.
I've known people like that who will set timers so they know when to eat.
i'm sorry to both of my parents for not wanting to go to college because now the last thing they'll see before they die will be a loser who's will be in his 30s
You don't have to go to college to not be a loser. I know the job markets suck a lot right now, but even then your job doesn't define you. Being a good person to those around you makes you a successful person, and that's something I think you're good at. It's also something that if you think you're not good at it, you can change it without having to go to college or really do anything except try.
no wife, no successful job, no house
It's hard because society teaches you that these things are markers of success, but it's important to get out of that mindset. A large portion of people our age simply won't be able to own houses because of the way our country handles property and the way the baby boomers handled it. Your identity isn't defined by your job, either. A lot of the people I work with at Kroger just work 35-40 hours there but have rich lives outside of their job that define them. And a wife will come if you go out and meet people. If you can develop
one hobby that occurs outside the house, then you'll start meeting people who share that hobby. Some of those people will be women. And some of those women will be interested in relationships. And the ones who aren't will be good friends.
Also i'm sorry for posting this as well, but honestly, i just feel like i'm fucking insane.
You sound like I sounded when I was super depressed all the time.