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 Post subject: ungrateful people ! ><
PostPosted: 02 May 2011 01:03 

Joined: 27 Aug 2010 20:41
Posts: 195
you know what i hate more than Azn on RAGE Day, people that don't appreciate what i do for them, or anyone for that matter.
ever since i been here in this country (2004-present) i have helped so many people on whatever i could. but there have been those specific ones that don't appreciated it at all. most of my american life has been living with one of my aunties, her husband and her kids(started first with only one, then another lil one came on-board), and yes i understand that i have to help out with certain things around the house, but when i have taken care of your kids for you, skipped school for taking care of them, cancelled my own plans to do stuff that you should do, helped you clean your messy ass cars that you have had, and now picking up your kids, and making sure they eat and everything. i have done all of that because 1- as family, i believe i should help you with what i can, 2- mom asked me to please help out with anything. other than that, i would of never done some much shit and gone thru so much of your yelling and being disrespected by you . and now that i ask for one since thing. pay your fucking Sprint bill so i can change my busted ass phone to my back up one. but nooo... to you i had to do that for you just cuz. well you know what i think? fuck you!!! i dnt give a shit no more. cuz of that, that became one of the factors that caused me to become emo, to lower my selfsteem to the bare minimum and now it hurts the person i love. your the reason i started to get freaking suicidal thoughts. but you never cared. only your husband did, and he's not family, yet he seems more that you would ever be.!

anyways other than my auntie, other people have ungrateful. but not as much as my auntie. thats why when i get asked to do a favor, if the person has been ungrateful, i decided to ignore them if they ask me for favors. ><

PostPosted: 02 May 2011 06:33 
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Joined: 25 Mar 2010 19:07
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I hear you about that. I am living with serialp0rt's family, and no matter what I do around the house all I hear is "Anubis never cleans. She never picks up for herself. She leaves her stuff all over the place. She needs to do more around the house."

Um, what? I probably cleaned more than any other person in this household, and most of the cleaning was picking up after other people. I pick up after myself when I'm done, so I never had to do that.

And then whenever I tried to ask, "What do you want me to do around the house that I'm not doing", I was treated so disrespectfully that I never asked again.

Now I don't clean anything. If nobody sees what I clean anyway, why bother?

(None of this reflects upon serialp0rt, just the other people in the house.)

PostPosted: 02 May 2011 07:34 
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Joined: 25 Mar 2010 19:21
Posts: 5029
lol I was waiting for that last part of your post Anubis...glad you put that rofl.

Lulu, I know what you mean. Some people are just never happy or satisfied. It seems you are forever just fixing their problems while pushing yours to the side because they are less important. I mean why would YOUR life be more important than what they "need" right now. No offense to any of your family, but if someone can't support their kids on their own....why did they have them?

PostPosted: 02 May 2011 20:23 

Joined: 27 Aug 2010 20:41
Posts: 195
yea serial, I don't know why.. but yeah... and today i had to spend money on one of her kids to buy him shoes, socks and a pair of new pants because he got them wet why playing with water and she didnt even bother to leave him some at the day care... and when she came to pick him up what does she say? nothing. just oh you had to do it so what. thats what pisses the hell out of me. anyways. i feel you anubis. it was like that for me too. but i dnt live with her no more so yeah . thank god

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