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 Post subject: CEVO
PostPosted: 14 Jul 2011 14:46 
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I'm pretty frustrated right now with CEVO. I've had two run-ins with their admin this week, and it has led me to believe that CEVO hires the most ass-holeish people they can find. If you're going to play CEVO, make sure you never, ever have to talk to one of their admin.

They are completely arbitrary in enforcing their rules. For example, last year, we showed up to a match. The CEVO rule is that if the other team doesn't show up within fifteen minutes of match time, they auto-forfeit. Of course, the other didn't show up. Not one person. So we put in an auto-forfeit win. CEVO came back and actually made us reschedule. They completely disregarded their own rule, inconvenienced us and the other team, and made us play the match. And yesterday, CEVO actually told us and the other team that we had to wait in the server 45 minutes after the match was supposed to take place while they worked on a member's CEVO client, and the first team to leave would be forfeiting. WTF is the point of having scheduled matches of the scheduling doesn't matter?

Their client is terrible. It is buggy, laggy, and extremely easy to circumvent, and CEVO is so computer illiterate that they can't even begin to solve its problems. One of our members couldn't compete in a match yesterday because the client wouldn't install. All of the CEVO officials' reasons for this were so completely ignorant that I couldn't help but laugh. The client crashes frequently, and makes the game lag pretty bad if you have the type of rig you would expect of somebody who plays a 10 year old game competitively. Furthermore, it doesn't stop hackers at all. Just google CEVO safe hacks or something and you will all the hacks that have been tested on CEVO's client. So they make us run a client that hurts our gameplay and yet does none of the things it says to do.


They do have one thing going for them - interesting map rotations. It's just a shame that everything else is failing so hard and there is no viable alternative. Once an alternative is established there will be no more CEVO, I can garuntee that.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 26 Jul 2011 16:39 
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Ya, some of these CEVO noobs can SUCK MY DICK

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 26 Jul 2011 19:50 
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 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 26 Jul 2011 20:16 
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Cevo guys can all SUCK MY DICK

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 27 Jul 2011 09:17 
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rofl...you guys are silly.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 19 Aug 2011 08:39 
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This is a conversation I had with Spangler yesterday.

Me: "I tried to connect my HLTV to the CEVO server we were playing in, since it had 12 slots, but apparently only one of those slots is proxy-enabled. So how can I get the demo the HLTV recorded?"

Spangler: It's not CEVO's server, it's my private server.

Me: Oh ok. Well how can I get the demo?

Spangler: Well I'm still watching the demo right now, the match isn't even over.

Me: (I almost told him he was retarded, it has a 120 second delay and the match was over, I was playing in it so I better know, but I bit my tongue.) It is over, and I want to know how to get the demo.

Spangler: Well, it's going to take me a while, I have to download it.

Another cevo admin: Spangler, stop being a dick and just answer the question.

Me: I just want to know how to get the demo. Do you need my email or what?

Spangler: Well it's going to take me a couple of weeks probably.

At that point I left.

I fucking hate CEVO.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 30 Aug 2011 15:47 
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Day by day, they just make me more and more furious.

This is a conversation I am having right now with the cevo officials. It proves their immaturity and their lack of desire to run a season with even the slightest bit of professionalism. This conversation involves me, a couple of members from Never Positive, and Spangler.
Officially proposed match date/time of:
Tuesday, August 30th at 7:00 PM CDT (Central Time (US))
REJECTED proposed match date/time of:
Tuesday, August 30th at 7:00 PM CDT (Central Time (US))

Officially proposed match date/time of:
Tuesday, August 31st at 8:00 PM CDT (Central Time (US))
I had a Tuesday @ 7cdt rejected and a Tuesday @ 8cdt proposed. If this isnt figured out by tomorrow around 4est I am forcing 7:30cdt Tuesday.
I wish you wouldn't force a time like that. 7:30 is still too early for three people on my team, and we have two more days in the official week... It's only Tuesday.
Hey I think 8 may work out.But I will let the wetfart answer.

that should work , let me check with some players one more time, just to be safe. I will probably confirm sometime early afternoon

Officially proposed match date/time of:
Tuesday, August 30th at 9:00 PM CDT (Central Time (US)

REJECTED proposed match date/time of:
Tuesday, August 30th at 8:00 PM CDT (Central Time (US)
Figure this out...this match BETTER be played TONIGHT due to the times proposed and the short timeframes between them
Spangler, I'm confused. Why does it have to be played tonight?

They suggested a time that was too early.

We assumed Tuesday was a good day for them, so I suggested a later time.

If that is too late for them, what is preventing them from rejecting that time and us coming to a conclusion about a different day? We still have Wednesday or Thursday.

It's very confusing that you are creating this ultimatum. We are adults coming to a conclusion about a match time that is good for ten people. Ten people is a lot to schedule for, so we have to have a lot of opportunities to discuss this. But, like adults, we are trying to make compromises and suggest times that work for all ten people.

If you could clarify why we cannot have privilege of holding the match on Wednesday or Thursday like everybody else gets, I would certainly appreciate it. Because right now I'm pretty confused and it really seems like you're just trying to pass NvR+ on to the finals like they requested instead of giving us a fair chance.

NvR+: 9 is getting pretty late. A couple of people on our team live on the east coast and have to go to work at 5am, so asking them to stay up until 11 is pretty late. I would really appreciate it if you could accept the 8pm time. You were fine at 7 and then fine again at 9. Does everybody just have a strange one-hour commitment at 8 that they have to attend or are you trying to push us around?
We have up an 8cdt proposal and a 9cdt proposal up, we are talking about an hour difference...no reason why this has to be put off for another day when we are 60mins off from a confirmed time tonight. I will force times in between if noone gives in...matches shouldn't be cancelled for other days over 60mins...doublecheck the matchcomm posts, Anubis you said 730 is too early, so now they proposed 9...is that too late? This is why I am posting in here...keep the ball rolling and when I submit an entry, everyone listens :)
Forgive my density, Spangler, but I still don't understand.

We are trying to coordinate ten people in four different time zones.

For my players on the West Coast (that's Pacific Time), 7pm CDT is only 5. That means that the match will be starting as they are leaving their jobs. So it's too early.

For my players on the East Coast (that's Eastern Time), 9pm CDT is 10pm. That means that if they play the match, they probably won't be making it to bed until 11pm. Two people on my team work mill jobs where they have to be alert. Their shifts start at 5am. An hour of sleep is significant in a job like that. 9 is too late.

I know you say "it's just 60 minutes, it's not a lot", and it may not be to you, but everybody on my team has demanding lives outside of CEVO.

That's not "no reason" to put it off for another. There are so many things that have to be balanced.

You are denying us the opportunity to schedule our own matches at times that are convenient for all 10 people involved in the match. It might be convenient for you to have it scheduled today, but CEVO-O for CZ allows teams to schedule matches between Monday and Thursday. It's only Tuesday, so to force us to schedule a match today instead of maturely saying, "You know, I guess Tuesday isn't a good day, can we do it another day" is to go against CEVO's own expectations of team captains, force both teams into a situation that apparently doesn't work for them, and almost certainly award NvR+ the forfeit win. (Since they are available at 7 and a 9, there is more of a chance of them making the match than us, since we are only available at 8 on Tuesday.)

It's unfair and arbitrary to deny two teams that opportunity to decide on a mutually agreeable time when CEVO's rules grant that opportunity to all other teams. I understand that you are the head honcho in CEVO's CZ division, but when you enforce rules arbitrarily and change rules on a whim like you are doing right now, and deny captains the opportunity to pick their own times, it really makes the CZ division and even all of CEVO lose credibility.
Pretty fucking retarded how he just swings his authority around arbitrarily like it doesn't matter at all.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 30 Aug 2011 17:13 
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More on this conversation:
The proposals were all for Tuesday...so far both teams agree Tuesday would be the best day to play, now it is a matter of what time exactly. So far now due to the new times suggested 830cdt will be forced.

I understand your concern for your players and the lives they lead, trust me I have my own and a young baby to take care of full-time but I manage that and still fully devote my time EVERY NIGHT to running both 1.6 and CZ for hundreds of members.

Both teams here have 11 rostered members...USE THEM and get a time setup, in 3 hours (6cdt) I will force a time one is not agreed upon and that being 8:30cdt.
Nobody said Tuesday was the best day. The only thing you can possibly conclude from my post is that, if we play on Tuesday, it needs to be at 8, not at 7 or 9.

Given that it is such a small window, it seems obvious that Tuesday is actually a pretty terrible day.

Congratulations on having a baby and still being able to juggle your responsibilities with CEVO. I wish my life were that free. But it isn't, and I really fail to see what your personal life has to do with our ability to schedule our match.

I see from this post that your final choice is, "I want to enforce a random rule that I made up on a whim arbitrarily instead of letting these teams have the same opportunity to schedule a match any time between Monday and Thursday, all week like every single other team in the league". Since you have decided to wield the stick of your authority instead of reasonably and conscientiously keeping out of our mature conversation about scheduling the match, there is really nothing I can do about it except add it to the long list of complaints I have to send to the CEVO supervisors at the end of the season. I can only assume that this sort of treatment is part of the reason why the number of teams drops every year.

To NvR+: I'm sorry we can't schedule a match. I tried to be mature about it and to decide on a time that was mutually beneficial, but some asshole tried to come in and tell us exactly when we had to play and deny us the opportunity to pick a time on any other day. I don't know where he gets off thinking that he gets to determine our schedule or how much we work or whether or not we are free at a certain hour, but apparently he thinks as an official that he is allowed to.

Either play at 8pm central or I guess we're not playing. Spangler, good job. You have advanced NvR+ on to the finals just like they asked. I can only hope you are not getting some sort of kick back, because your arbitrary, thoughtless, and childish desire to dictate every move of my team has sure made it seem like you are.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 30 Aug 2011 20:28 
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I just sent them this email. Hopefully they get the message and don't just write it off.
I'd like to file a complaint of admin abuse by CEVO official Spangler. He oversees the CZero and 1.6 competition communities, and my clan is involved in the czero season 5 competition. This has led me and other members of my clan to have a series of very unfortunate interactions with Spangler. I will say off the bat that not one of these interactions has been in the least bit respectful, and many of them have been downright abusive.

For our first match, one member of our clan could not get the CEVO client to install. (Though the suggestions of the CEVO officials made it obvious that their technical proficiency is appallingly low, that is not really something worthy of the time required to complain - it might simply be something to look into with future hires.) My clan member approached the admin about a half hour before match time, but 45 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the CEVO officials were still unable to help. Instead of allowing us to reschedule the match (since without that player we were below the minimum required), Spangler decided that the first team to leave the server would be considered to have forfeited. While this is the least troublesome abuse of authority, it was extremely inconvenient to have to stay in the server until an hour after the match should have started. To make matters worse, after an hour he finally agreed to let us reschedule. It sent a message of clear disregard of the lives of the mere competitors in his czero kingdom.

We recently played a match in what was apparently Spangler's private server "donated" for CEVO events. I would point out that this server performed terribly, but again, considering the technical aptitude of future employees is about the best advice I can give. Right before the match began, I attempted to join the CEVO vent and ask Spangler if he could free up the 12th slot in the server for my clan's HLTV. Since the czero matches are 10v10, the two additional slots were presumably for HLTV servers. Since "configuring a server to not allow HLTV connections is considered unsportsmanlike conduct", I figured it must have simply been an oversight that he allowed for two HLTV slots but only configured one of them to be a proxy slot. Unfortunately, Spangler was afk and I didn't have the time to sit around and wait for him since the match was about to start.

After the match, I rejoined the CEVO ventrilo and asked Spangler how I could get the HLTV recording since I was not able to connect my HLTV to it. Instead of responding, he rudely suggested that next time I talk to him before the match to connect it. Since by now I knew to expect a base level of hostility from Spangler, I refused to argue and simply asked again how I could get a recording of the match. Again, he dodged my question and instead said (again, quite rudely), "You're going to have to wait, I'm still watching the match right now, it's obviously not over." (I guess he forgot that CEVO requires a 120 second delay and that the match was in fact over, and instead decided to use his ignorance as an excuse to address me with hostility.) I replied by saying that it was over and I was just interested in figuring out what I needed to do to get the demo. The reply was again hostile and not even close to helpful: "It'll take me a week or two, I have to download it." At this point, his attitude had gotten so over-the-top that another CEVO admin in the ventrilo channel actually said, "Dude, Spangler, you don't have to be a dick about it, just answer the question." But by then I had decided I was no longer going to subject myself to that type of treatment.

For the past two days, I have been attempting to schedule a match with another team. The link to the conversation is here, but I'm not sure if it's static, so I'm going to give a general overview of the situation as well:

http://www.cevo.com/index.php?page=acco ... d=11207077

Basically, on Sunday, the other team suggested playing the match on Tuesday. Since my team is spread out across all four time zones and is comprised of kids from 14 years to well-established adults of 40+ years with full time jobs, kids, and families, it is usually a chore to find a time that works for even five people on my team. We have managed to play all but one match so far, though, so it hasn't been too big of an issue.

On Monday, I rejected their propsed time and proposed one an hour later. The time they had proposed was too early for those members on the West coast. TWO HOURS later, Spangler posted in the thread to say that he would force us to play at 7:30 (a time half way in between the two proposed times) if the other team didn't answer by the arbitrary time of 4pm Eastern time. I told Spangler that it would be nice if he didn't force us to play and I guess that satisfied him because he didn't post again.

At this point, the other team rejected the time and proposed a time that an hour later still. Since many of my teammates on the East Coast work early morning shifts at their jobs, this time was now too late. On Tuesday, there was literally a one-hour window to play our match. It was really not a good day, and I would have rejected the time and proposed a time on a different day. Instead, Spangler again posted and said we were REQUIRED to accept a time on Tuesday or else we would be awarded a forfeit loss. Since CEVO's rules actually specifically say that we can play between Monday and Thursday, he was directly contradicting CEVO's written rules and instead forcing us to play at a day and time that didn't work for us. I questioned him three times why he would do that, pointed out that it was arbitrary, contradictory, disrespectful, and garunteed the other team the win, but he refused to budge. He basically said, "I'm the boss and you can't make me."

It is a shame that this has been my experience in CEVO. Unfortunately, it seems all-to-common. Any time there is a problem before a match and I suggest, "Want to get a CEVO admin to answer it for us" the response is always, "Lol no, I definitely don't want to talk to Spangler. I'll just figure something out." This is a huge problem because CEVO is about the only American CZero gaming league now that OGL has dropped CZ. We have had many serious discussions in our clan about dropping out of CZ competition altogether because of the way the CEVO admin treat players, and any time we bring this up to other teams the response is always the same: "Yeah, we've been thinking about doing that, too. It's just not worth it." Spangler's attitude, his blatant disregard for the lives of players, his complete and total disrespect for anybody, his power hungry attitude and his willingness to flex his muscles whenever and wherever he can, and the way his attitude is being reflected by other CEVO admin, is causing and will continue to cause a decline in the CEVO cz community unless something is done.

I'm not trying to bitch, but you really need to know about things like this. Every year the number of teams declines, and it's because participating in CEVO has become such a chore, requiring people to submit themselves to a level of disrespect that is almost dehumanizing, all for a game. I sincerely hope that this issue is investigated, because there are a severe lack of CZ competitions anymore, and it seems like CEVO is taking advantage of the high demand and low supply to act however they want to treat people in the worst way that they can. Bring back the professionalism of organized electronic sports and you will see your league boom. Allow it to continue on its path to the cesspool, and it will die.

[my name]
Team: Absurd Mindz
Condition Zero Season 5

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 31 Aug 2011 01:29 
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Joined: 12 Feb 2011 16:31
Posts: 116
no offense really but reading all that there was no point to argue with him lol you just wasted your time, it was like talking to a wall.

anyway I'm glad this is over with. him saying that bbks's team never complained is because they got the forfeit win, too bad i cant tell him that through that match thread because the match is done now.

fuck CEVO it was a waste of all of our lives.

yours truly~

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 31 Aug 2011 06:33 
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no offense really but reading all that there was no point to argue with him lol you just wasted your time, it was like talking to a wall.
I don't care if there was "no point". I'm not the kind of person to just sit back and let people treat me like shit when I don't deserve it. It might not change anything if I fight back, but considering that we only have 4 active players anyway I figured we had nothing to lose. It got his attitude out in the open. Hopefully NvR+ at least sees what a douche bag he is even though his douche baggery worked in their favor. And hopefully the CEVO owner can see how attitudes like that cause the league to disintigrate. If not, well no loss because like I said it's not like we were able to really compete anyway with nobody showing up ever.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 31 Aug 2011 08:38 
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yeah you could tell just from this season how far it has declined. I remember just a few seasons ago there was upwards of 70-100 teams playing and now look at it. I am sure most of that has to do with shitty admin and their lack of knowledge. No one will ever EVER tell us when we are available to play and when we are not. If it doesn't do anything then oh well, we said our peace and we will move on while cevo just falls apart. Hopefully one day we can get our own system going.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 31 Aug 2011 08:45 
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You dare call them admin... lolz... I call them brainless children.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 31 Aug 2011 23:20 
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Hopefully one day we can get our own system going.
make me admin so i can abuse my power rawrrrr

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 09 Sep 2011 15:57 
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No reply. Turns out CEVO is such a cesspool because nobody at CEVO gives a shit.

Big surprise there.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 11 Sep 2011 11:27 
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well apparently tyler told me that MAIN and open are completely gone because no one wants to play at CEVO.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 11 Sep 2011 23:42 
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How can you play in a league that don't have a solid foundation to begin with... .

You need tru admins, that respect the rules and all.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 14 Sep 2011 18:14 
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NONONONONOONONO main is gone. everyone on main got sent to open.

why? not enough players. if they had continued they would have given out more money in prizes than they would have received.


10x1 = 10 10 dollars per person

10x5 = 50 10 dollars per person, 5 people

50 x 30 = 1500 50 teams with 5 people each paying 10 dollars is 1500

guaranteed prize money by cevo: 0ver 2000.

But, theres flaws as were assuming only 5 people per team paid 10 bucks, and all teams paid.

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 13 Oct 2011 23:32 
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Looks like CEVO is getting rid of CZ. Pretty sure I called it...

 Post subject: Re: CEVO
PostPosted: 13 Oct 2011 23:41 

Joined: 13 Oct 2011 23:25
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Since I was so graciously shown this post let me add in a few things that Anubis cared to miss out on and therefore not only make himself look like an ass but overreact in the same utter second.

1.) My CZ private server is just that, PRIVATE. I allow teams who need a neutral server for matches to use it and they do it so well I have not had a single issue in the many months time it has been up. The server has its own HLTV which when requested I will GLADLY record and publicly post to either team. The server has 12 slots and at no time ever had an issue with multiple proxies running, so Anubis, nice try but that one isn't going to work, and I checked the logs that day, noone executed any rcon commands to stop other proxies from being used.

2.) When you came into vent DEMANDING the HLTV when it was not even finished recording after I told you the match was still being played out (because I was in HLTV watching and would know exactly when to shut off the recording) you threw a fit and pissed off my boss which got yourself bounced outta vent. I know I can be hard sometimes but I typically like to help people out when they ask things nicely...you sir once again expressed the actions of a toddler throwing a fit until they would "hopefully" get what they wanted.

3.) As for an issue regarding a reschedule on one of your matches we have VERY specific guidelines required to obtain a FFW. I recall yours specifically FAILING to have ATLEAST 4 players in client at the time of the match...without 4 players you cannot start the match, therefore not having 4 in client will result in you being disqualified from obtaining a FFW. I am pretty sure me granting an extension/reschedule was a nice thing other than dropping the big DOUBLE FFL on both teams...again, your welcome.

4.) Our client works well with users whose computers are up to par and are not riddled with junk, multiple firewalls/antiviruses running and in other cases, outdated drivers. I strongly urge any user with issues to use our troubleshooting guide which 99% of the time resolves an ongoing issue in your computers performance anyways. Yet again, this issue could be resolved if someone asked for help instead of gave up and points blame in a direction other than their own.

So here we go with just a few holes to punch into that story you wish to parade around and pride yourself on. I worked as an admin for many years, with CAL and now currently CEVO. I was a player first for many years, worked my way from the bottom and actually started and finished teams in top tiers of gameplay. My retirement from that and knowledge as a player first was what implements me as probably one of the better and more understanding admins in the gaming industry. Call me what you wish, but I am fair and call it like it is. Anubis, you wanna cry and complain that is fine, just don't be a hypocrite and play in CEVO again if you truly "hate" not only me but the way things are run, I am your Head of Game now...I set the rules and my decisions are final.

Also I might add you are a good story teller, nice elaborations on not only falsifying accounts with me but great detail in making me see how much of a compulsive liar you are, someday someone might actually believe you. Do yourself the favor and look outside the box and evaluate situations from another angle other than the bias mindset you seem to use in not only the online gaming world but i am sure in everyday life as well.

Have a nice day!

Last edited by CEVO|Spangler on 14 Oct 2011 00:00, edited 1 time in total.

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